CTV is a public benefit provided by Veeva Systems to help you find the most relevant clinical trials for you and your loved ones
This study is testing a potential new medicine, NNC6019-0001, for people who have a heart disease due to TTR amyloidosis.The study ...
Phase 2
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 32 other locations
This study will test a medicine, NNC6019-0001, for people who have a heart disease due to TTR amyloidosis. It will look at how safe ...
Phase 2
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 30 other locations
This trial will evaluate Orbital Atherectomy compared to conventional balloon angioplasty technique for the treatment of severely calcified lesions p...
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 103 other locations
of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of tovinontrine compared to placebo to lower NT-proBNP in patients with chronic heart...
Phase 2
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 62 other locations
Multi-center, global, prospective, non-randomized, interventional, pre-market trial. All subjects enrolled with receive the study device.
Jacksonville, Florida, United States of America and 84 other locations
of this study is to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of tovinontrine compared to placebo to lower NT-proBNP in patients with chronic heart...
Phase 2
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 82 other locations
2nd generation DES for the treatment of subjects with ischemic heart disease (NSTEMI, recent STEMI (\>24 hours from initial present...
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 56 other locations
who are at increased risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular (CV) disease but with no known symptomatic CV disease. The trial tests...
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 60 other locations
2.5) device during high-risk PCI in patients with reduced left-sided heart function will result in an improvement in symptoms, heart...
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 133 other locations
While there are several completed clinical trials that address treatment strategy in patients with symptomatic and recurrent AF, there are no randomi...
Phase 4
Jacksonville, Florida, United States and 102 other locations
Clinical trials
Research sites