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type of side effects may occur with the drug treatment. It will also measure the levels of drug in the body and preliminarily assess its anti-cancer...
Phase 1, Phase 2
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 123 other locations
with stage I-IIIA Epithelial Growth Factor Receptor (EGFR) -mutant non-small cell lung cancer before sur ...
Phase 2
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 2 other locations
over time. The third main question is to see if ELVN-002 works to shrink cancers that have HER2 genetic abnormalities, particularly non...
Phase 1
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 38 other locations
is designed to degrade mutant EGFR, which is a common cause for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). This...
Phase 1
Denver, Colorado, United States and 38 other locations
This study is being done to determine the efficacy and safety of cofetuzumab pelidotin in the PTK7-expressing, recurrent non-small ...
Phase 1
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 25 other locations
This study is designed to evaluate the antitumor activity of patritumab deruxtecan in participants with metastatic or locally advanced NSCLC with an...
Phase 2
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 123 other locations
This is a Phase III, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center international study assessing the activity of durvalumab and chemothe...
Phase 3
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 230 other locations
in combination with pembrolizumab in participants with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) or ho....
Phase 1
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 23 other locations
This study is designed to identify the target Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) population(s) that over...
Phase 2
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 252 other locations
Stage IB, IIA, IIB, IIIA, or selected IIIB resectable and untreated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) t...
Phase 2
Aurora, Colorado, United States and 37 other locations
Clinical trials
Research sites