
Find clinical trials for Ovarian Cancer in Austin, TX

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Related conditions:

Ovarian Epithelial Carcinoma
Endometrial Cancer
Fallopian Tube Cancer
Breast Cancer
Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Ovarian Cancer trials near Austin, TX, USA:

ONC-392 and Pembrolizumab in Platinum Resistant Ovarian Cancer (PRESERVE-004)

efficacy with the combination of a next generation anti-CTLA-4 antibody, ONC-392, and anti-PD-1 antibody, pembrolizumab, in platinum resistant ovarian...

Active, not recruiting
Fallopian Tube Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Drug: ONC-392
Drug: Pembrolizumab

Phase 2


Austin, Texas, United States and 20 other locations

the safety and efficacy of avutometinib (VS-6766) monotherapy and in combination with defactinib in subjects with recurrent Low-Grade Serous Ovarian...

Active, not recruiting
Low Grade Ovarian Serous Adenocarcinoma
Ovarian Cancer
Drug: avutometinib (VS-6766) and defactinib
Drug: avutometinib (VS-6766)

Phase 2


Austin, Texas, United States and 46 other locations

Locations recently updated

This study will assess the safety and efficacy of avutometinib (VS-6766) in combination with defactinib versus Investigator's choice of treatments (I...

Low Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
Drug: Defactinib
Drug: Letrozole

Phase 3


Austin, Texas, United States and 76 other locations

in combination with pembrolizumab versus protocol-specific Investigator's choice chemotherapy in patients with platinum-resistant epithelial ovarian...

Active, not recruiting
Primary Peritoneal Cancer
Fallopian Tube Cancer
Biological: Pembrolizumab
Drug: Gemcitabine

Phase 3

Mural Oncology

Austin, Texas, United States and 117 other locations

Ovarian cancer is a heterogeneous disease, characterized by complex molecular and genetic changes. The high expression of vascular ...

Active, not recruiting
Ovarian Neoplasms
Ovarian, Fallopian Tube and Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma
Drug: Dostarlimab-Placebo
Drug: Standard of care

Phase 3


Austin, Texas, United States and 202 other locations

Patients will be registered prior to, during or at the completion of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (Paclitaxel 175 mg/m2 IV over 3 hours and Carboplatin A...

Stage IV Primary Peritoneal Cancer
Stage III Ovarian Cancer
Other: No treatment
Drug: Cisplatin

Phase 3

GOG Foundation

Austin, Texas, United States and 50 other locations

This study aims to assess efficacy of Niraparib (GSK3985771) as maintenance treatment in participants with Stage III or IV ovarian cancer...

Active, not recruiting
Ovarian Neoplasms
Drug: Placebo
Drug: Niraparib

Phase 3


Austin, Texas, United States and 196 other locations

cycles of a standard six-cycle chemotherapy regimen (paclitaxel and carboplatin), for the treatment of subjects with newly diagnosed advanced ovarian...

Active, not recruiting
Ovarian Neoplasms
Carcinoma, Ovarian Epithelial
Drug: Paclitaxel
Biological: Placebo

Phase 3


Austin, Texas, United States and 148 other locations

This study will test the safety, including side effects, and determine the characteristics of a drug called Rina-S in participants with solid tumors...

Hormone Receptor-positive/Her2 Negative Breast Cancer
High Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer
Drug: Carboplatin
Drug: Pembrolizumab

Phase 1, Phase 2


Austin, Texas, United States and 39 other locations

This is a Phase 2, multicenter, two-stage, open-label, parallel-group study designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of vudalimab (XmAb20717) in...

Active, not recruiting
Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (mCRPC)
Endometrial Cancer
Biological: vudalimab

Phase 2


Austin, Texas, United States and 16 other locations

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