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The research study is being done to see if ziltivekimab can be used to treat people who were admitted to hospital because of a heart attack. Ziltivek...
The objective of this study is to investigate whether percutaneous PFO closure with the Occlutech Flex II PFO Occluder is non-inferior to the AMPLATZ...
Prospective, non-randomized, , multicenter study with two independent arms:* Primary Study Arm - TAAA and Pararenal aneurysms requiring only TAMBE Sy...
This trial will evaluate Orbital Atherectomy compared to conventional balloon angioplasty technique for the treatment of severely calcified lesions p...
The purpose of this clinical study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of the Atrial Flow Regulator in the treatment of subjects, 18 years of a...
VictORION-INCLUSION (V-INCLUSION) seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of inclisiran as an innovative therapy with the potential to help bridge care g...
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