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EYE-TIE-201 is a 2-part study to investigate the safety and effectiveness of a new drug being developed called EYE201.All participants in the study w...
The purpose of this study is to assess the safety and efficacy (including durability) of up to 2 REACT injections given 3 months (+30 days) apart and...
EYE-RES-102 is a randomized, double masked pivotal study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of 2 dose levels of EYE103 in comparison with the active...
Researchers are looking for a better way to treat people who have non-diabetic chronic kidney disease (non-diabetic CKD). The trial treatment, finere...
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of two different doses of MK-2060 (a monoclonal antibody against Factor XI) in end s...
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