Status and phase
This is Phase 3 study, multi-centre, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel group to evaluate the effects of AC-SD-03 on the efficacy and safety among participants with mild to moderate Alzheimer's Disease.
Inclusion criteria
Subjects between the ages of 50 and 85 (inclusive) at the time of Screening Visit 1. Subjects 86 to 90 years of age (inclusive) can be enrolled, provided that the Medical Monitor reviews the subject's medical condition during the screening process and approves enrolment.
Dementia of mild to moderate severity, as classified by MMSE score between 14 to 26, inclusive, at Screening Visit 1.
Meets diagnostic clinical criteria of probable Alzheimer's dementia according to the National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer's Association (NIA-AA) [25].
Magnetic resonance imaging prior to Visit 3 (Baseline) compatible with a diagnosis of probable AD.
Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography (FDG-PET) brain scan showing a pattern typical for AD according to central PET reader (with areas of glucose hypometabolism in posterior cingulate, temporal, parietal, and/or prefrontal cortices, as per criteria in imaging manual).
Confirmed APOE negative genotype result obtained by the central laboratory prior to Screening Visit 2 or documented prior to screening.
Subjects taking the following cholinesterase inhibitors (ChEI): donepezil, galantamine, or rivastigmine; and/or GV-971, and/or memantine and/or other agents which may impact cognition (e.g., Souvenaid®, NeuroAidTM, Cerefolin®, Gingko biloba, etc) are eligible for enrolment:
In the opinion of the Investigator, the subject's medical condition, except for dementia, has been stable for at least 3 consecutive months prior to Screening Visit 1.
Subjects do not have active suicidal thoughts (answers 'yes' to questions 4 or 5, on the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale [C-SSRS]) within 6 months preceding Screening Visit 2 or Visit 3 (Baseline). Additionally, subjects have no active history of suicide attempt in the previous 2 years or more than 1 lifetime suicide attempt, nor are they at serious suicidal risk, in the opinion of the Investigator.
The subject is able to comply with protocol testing and procedures for the entire length of the trial.
Has a permanent caregiver (subject's caregiver is not expected to change during the trial) who is willing to attend all visits, oversee the subject's compliance with protocol-specified procedures and IP administration, and report on subject's status. Caregiver must have, in the opinion of the Investigator, enough contact with the subject to be able to perform the duties described above.
The subject and caregiver are, in the Investigator's judgement, proficient in the language in which the trial assessments will be completed, and have hearing, vision and physical abilities adequate to perform assessments (corrective aids allowed).
Subject and caregiver must provide full written informed consent prior to the performance of any protocol-specified procedure; or if subject is unable to provide informed consent due to cognitive status, provision of informed consent by cognitively intact legally acceptable representative (where this is in accordance with local laws, regulations and ethics committee policy).
Subject is able to ingest oral medication.
Subject is able to tolerate a 5 g dose of tricaprilin (formulated as 12.5 g of AC-SD-03) as per sentinel dose challenge at Visit 3 (Baseline).
Exclusion criteria
Current use or use within 3 months of Visit 3 (Baseline), of Axona® or other MCT-containing products. Use of coconut oil up to 15 mL (1 tablespoon) per day is allowed. Use of MCT-containing products is not allowed at any time during trial participation.
Use of any other investigational agent within 60 days prior to Screening Visit 1.
Has a known allergy or hypersensitivity to triglycerides.
In the opinion of the Investigator, has presence or history of an advanced, severe, progressive, or unstable disease of any type that could interfere with efficacy and safety assessments, or put the subject at risk.
Has any medical or neurological condition, other than AD, that could explain the subject's dementia (e.g., structural abnormality, traumatic brain injury, stroke, epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, alcohol-related dementia, etc.)
Has a modified Hachinski Ischemia score greater than (>) 4 at Screening Visit 2.
Has a history or clinical laboratory evidence of cerebrovascular disease (stroke, transient ischemic attack, haemorrhage), or diagnosis of possible, probable, or definite vascular dementia at Screening Visit 1 in accordance with National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke criteria.
Brain MRI performed at Screening (prior to Visit 3) (per centrally read MRI) that shows evidence of any of the following:
Has a history or clinical laboratory evidence of moderate congestive heart failure defined by the New York Heart Association Criteria (Class I to IV).
Clinically significant ECG abnormalities at Screening Visit 2, for example:
Has a history of new ischemic or congestive cardiovascular event within the 3 months prior to Visit 3 (Baseline).
Has a history of or current major psychiatric illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder.
Has a clinician-administered Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ)-9 score of ≥ 10 or in the Investigator's opinion, depression of a severity that would impact cognitive assessments.
Subjects with insulin dependent diabetes.
Subjects with uncontrolled hypertension defined as:
Subjects with orthostatic hypotension, defined as a drop of >20 mmHg systolic blood pressure upon standing upright from a seated position within 3 minutes, at Screening Visit 2; testing for orthostatic hypotension may be repeated at Investigator's discretion if there is reason to believe the condition is temporary after addressing the temporary cause.
At Screening Visit 2, clinically significant:
At Screening Visit 2, laboratory test values (potential to repeat at Investigators discretion):
Clinically significant Vitamin B12 deficiency within 12 months prior to Visit 1; however, subjects on stable replacement therapy for a minimum of 1 month immediately prior to Visit 1 may be included.
The following GI conditions are exclusionary as described below:
Has donated ≥ 2 units of blood within the 1 month prior to Screening Visit 1.
Has a history of alcohol or drug abuse within the 6 months prior to Visit 1 or has tested positive upon urine drug screen at Screening Visit 2.
Subject or caregiver is an immediate family member or employee of the clinical site, Sponsor, or of the Sponsor's agents.
Has any current or history of neoplasm or malignancy, other than excised or treated basal cell carcinoma. The following exceptions may be made after discussion with the Medical Monitor:
Subject has a scheduled (or is expected to have scheduled) hospitalisation and/or surgery during the trial
Primary purpose
Interventional model
0 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites