Our primary purpose is to assess the use feasibility and acceptability of the study phone app called, "Oabi" app with patients diagnosed with overactive bladder disorder (OAB).
Full description
Tracking overactive bladder disorder can be an important part of managing the disease. It can help the patient and the health care providers keep a tab on what is working to help manage OAB symptoms. Tracking urination patterns can actually help patients normalize their bladder problems. By focusing on certain behaviors and habits that contribute to their OAB and changing those behaviors, patients can effectively control OAB symptoms. The Oabi mobile application has been created with the goal of helping patients learn more about their day-to-day symptoms as well as track and self-manage their symptoms. Additionally, the Oabi app connects patients with their HCP via a clinician portal to boost communication, and encourage patient-provider interaction. The goal of this pilot study is to evaluate the usability and acceptability of the Oabi mobile app.
Inclusion criteria
Patients with a primary diagnosis of OAB (with active OAB symptoms) with or without urge incontinence who are:
Adults aged 18 yrs and above.
Own a Smartphone with Android Operating System with an OS of 5.0 or higher or willing to use a study phone as their primary for the duration of the study (Samsung Galaxy S6).
Sufficient understanding of the English language to be able to read and understand study procedures.
Willing to participate in the research study and sign informed consent.
Has adequate access to the internet to use the app.
Exclusion criteria
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites