The objective of this non-interventional study is to gather data on adverse reactions occurring with Methylene Blue plasma administered in a routine clinical practice environment; to know more about their characteristics and behaviour and the possible factors that may influence their presentation and evolution.
Full description
This is an open label, multi-centre, non-controlled, non-randomized, non-interventional study to evaluate the safety of Methylene Blue (MB) plasma. One centre per country will participate from United Kingdom, Belgium, Greece and Spain.
The haemovigilance Case Report Form (CRF) will be completed for all patients who receive a Methylene Blue plasma transfusion and experience an adverse reaction. The patients will be monitored for the occurrence of possible adverse reactions within 24 hours after start of the transfusion. If the patient experiences an adverse reaction, information about the adverse reaction will be documented. Serious adverse reactions will be collected within a 7-day period after the transfusion.
Each adverse reaction or serious adverse reaction will be followed up for 28 days after the occurrence of the reaction.
Each centre will provide the number of transfused Methylene Blue plasma units and the number of transfused Methylene Blue plasma patients every three months.
Information collected on the haemovigilance CRF will include:
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
8 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites