Status and phase
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The main aim of the study is to check for long-term side effects of Vedolizumab Subcutaneous (also known as Vedolizumab SC) in people with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Vedolizumab SC will be given as an injection just under the skin. This type of injection is called a subcutaneous injection or SC for short. Another aim of the study is to collect information on whether the participant's condition remains under control or improves during and after treatment with Vedolizumab SC.
Participants who previously took part in studies MLN0002SC-3027 or MLN0002SC-3031 will be invited to visit the study clinic. At this visit, the study doctor will check if each participant can take part in this study.
For those who can take part, participants will receive a subcutaneous injection of vedolizumab SC either once a week or once every 2 weeks. How often each participant receives vedolizumab SC will depend on their results from the previous study and on how active their condition is. Participants might be able to self-inject vedolizumab SC after being trained by the study doctors. During this study, the dose of vedolizumab SC might be increased for participants whose condition worsens.
Participants will continue treatment with vedolizumab SC until it is approved in their particular country, the participant decides to stop treatment, or the sponsor stops the study. If the sponsor stops the study before vedolizumab SC is approved in all countries, the sponsor will make sure all affected participants will have access to vedolizumab SC outside of the study.
After their final dose of vedolizumab SC, participants will visit the clinic 18 weeks later for a final check-up. Then, the clinic will telephone the participants 6 months after their final dose of vedolizumab SC to check if they have any health problems.
Full description
The drug being tested in this study is called vedolizumab subcutaneous (vedolizumab SC). Vedolizumab SC is being tested to assess its long-term safety and effectiveness in treating participants with UC or CD. This study will look at the long-term side effects and response/remission of UC and CD in participants who received vedolizumab SC in a prior vedolizumab SC study.
The study will enroll up to 692 patients. All participants enrolled in this study will have previously participated in the MLN0002SC-3027 or MLN0002SC-3031 study. Participants who completed the Maintenance Period (Week 52) in their previous study, or who did not achieve a clinical response at Week 6 but who did achieve a clinical response at Week 14 after having received a third vedolizumab IV infusion at Week 6 in their previous study, will receive open-label vedolizumab SC 108 mg, once every 2 weeks (Q2W). Participants who withdrew early from the Maintenance Period of their previous study due to disease worsening or need for rescue medications will receive open-label vedolizumab SC 108 mg, once every week (QW). Participants receiving SC 108 mg Q2W who experience treatment failure (disease worsening or need for rescue medications while in the current study will be dose escalated to vedolizumab SC 108 mg QW.
This multi-center trial will be conducted worldwide. Participation in this vedolizumab SC study will continue until vedolizumab SC becomes commercially available, the participant withdraws from the study, or the sponsor decides to close the study. Participants will make multiple visits to the clinic, plus a final visit 18 weeks after last dose of study drug for a follow-up assessment. Participants will also participate in a long-term safety follow-up, by phone, at 6 months after the last dose of study drug.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
746 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites