Taipei Veterans General Hospital | Hematology and Oncology Division
Status and phase
Study type
Funder types
This trial will look at a drug called sigvotatug vedotin (SGN-B6A) alone and with pembrolizumab, with or without chemotherapy, to find out whether it is safe for people who have solid tumors. It will study sigvotatug vedotin to find out what its side effects are. A side effect is anything the drug does besides treating cancer. It will also study whether sigvotatug vedotin works to treat solid tumors.
The study will have four parts.
Part A of the study will find out how much sigvotatug vedotin should be given to participants.
Part B will use the dose found in Part A to find out how safe sigvotatug vedotin is and if it works to treat solid tumors.
Part C of the study will find out how safe sigvotatug vedotin is in combination with these other drugs.
Part D will include people who have not received treatment. This part of the study will find out how safe sigvotatug vedotin is in combination with these other drugs and if these combinations work to treat solid tumors.
In Parts C and D, participants will receive sigvotatug vedotin with either:
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Disease indication
Participants must have histologically or cytologically confirmed metastatic or unresectable solid malignancy within one of the tumor types listed below (dependent on study part).
Part A only: Participants must have disease that is relapsed or refractory or be intolerant to standard-of-care therapies and should have no appropriate standard-of-care therapeutic options.
Part B only: Participants must have disease that is relapsed or refractory or be intolerant to standard-of-care therapies. Participants must have received platinum-based therapy and a PD-1/PD-(L)1 inhibitor, if applicable and available.
Part C only: For pembrolizumab combination cohorts, participants must be eligible for pembrolizumab per local standard of care. For pembrolizumab with cisplatin or carboplatin, participants must be eligible for both pembrolizumab and the platinum agent per local standard of care. Participants must be treatment naïve for locally advanced or metastatic systemic therapy (prior definitively intended or [neo]adjuvant therapy is allowed).
Part D only: Participants must be treatment naïve for locally advanced or metastatic systemic therapy.
Participants enrolled in the following study parts should have a tumor site accessible for biopsy and agree to biopsy as follows:
An Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance Status of 0 or 1
Measurable disease per the RECIST v1.1 at baseline
Exclusion Criteria
History of another malignancy within 3 years before first dose of study drug, or any evidence of residual disease from a previously diagnosed malignancy. Exceptions are malignancies with a negligible risk of metastasis or death.
Known active central nervous system metastases. Participants with previously treated brain metastases may participate provided they:
Carcinomatous meningitis
Previous receipt of an MMAE-containing agent or an agent targeting integrin beta-6
Pre-existing neuropathy Grade 1 or greater per the National Cancer Institute's Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events, version 5.0 (NCI CTCAE v5.0) for Parts C and D cohorts with cisplatin or carboplatin; Grade 2 or greater per the NCI CTCAE v5.0 for all other cohorts
Any uncontrolled Grade 3 or higher (per NCI CTCAE v5.0) viral, bacterial, or fungal infection within 2 weeks prior to the first dose of sigvotatug vedotin.
Grade ≥3 pulmonary disease unrelated to underlying malignancy. This includes clinically severe pulmonary function compromise resulting from clinically significant pulmonary illnesses
Part C and D: Prior therapy with a PD-1 inhibitor, anti-PD-(L)1, or anti PD-L2 agent or with an agent directed to another stimulatory or co-inhibitory T-cell receptor and was discontinued from that treatment due to a Grade 3 or higher immune-mediated adverse event (IMAE).
History of noninfectious interstitial lung disease (ILD) or pneumonitis that required steroids, current ILD or pneumonitis, or suspected ILD or pneumonitis that cannot be ruled out by imaging at screening
Known diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO; adjusted for hemoglobin) <50% predicted
Primary purpose
Interventional model
824 participants in 5 patient groups
Central trial contact
Seagen Trial Information Support
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites