This is a prospective observational study to evaluate clinical characteristics, current practice and outcomes of adult patients (age ≥18 years) with suspected or confirmed melioidosis.
Full description
This is a prospective observational study to evaluate clinical characteristics, current practice and outcomes of adult patients (age ≥18 years) with suspected or confirmed melioidosis. Determination of microbiologically confirmed acute melioidosis among patients presenting with suspected melioidosis, and determination of clinical outcomes of interest (including all-cause mortality, characterization of organ involvement or organ failure, resolution of sepsis, improvement of renal function, rates of suspected vs. microbiologically confirmed melioidosis, and rates of melioidosis involvement of different organ systems) will be performed. Defining clinical and microbiological outcomes in a standardized manner will enable characterization and selection of the relevant outcome measures to be utilized in future clinical studies of IV epetraborole in acute melioidosis. Patients will be identified through daily, active surveillance of hospital admissions at the investigative sites and review of microbiology laboratory culture results. Data will be extracted from hospital and outpatient medical charts. These data will refine the expected treatment effect of standard-of-care antimicrobial therapy and the consequent statistical power calculations needed for sample size and outcome measure design elements of future clinical trials of IV epetraborole adjunctive therapy in hospitalized patients with suspected acute melioidosis.
Participation in the study requires written informed consent from the patient or from their next-of-kin (if needed) at the time of screening. On day 28 (+7) and day 90 (+7) after enrolment the study team will contact the participant by phone interview with standardized script if the participant is discharged alive prior to the day 28 or day 90. There will be no clinical specimens collected as part of the study protocol, as this study aims to observe clinical characteristics and outcomes among patients with confirmed and suspected acute melioidosis in current clinical practice.
Inclusion criteria
For melioidosis-suspected group ONLY 4a. Community-acquired infection is suspected as the cause of illness (Related terms - e.g. fever, acute fever, community-acquired sepsis, and r/o other infectious diseases [e.g. r/o infectious disease, r/o malaria, r/o dengue, r/o bacteraemia and r/o leptospirosis]) 5a. Hospitalized (at study hospital) for less than 24 hours 6a. Suspected of melioidosis (at least one of the following)
For melioidosis-confirmed group ONLY 4b. Have any specimen culture or Immunofluorescence Microscopy (IFM) or Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) positive for B. pseudomallei 5b. Patient is still in the study hospital (i.e. alive) on the screening day
Exclusion criteria
For Melioidosis-suspected Group ONLY
Central trial contact
Gabrielle Khedr
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites