Status and phase
The current design provides a window to analyze the impact of the ACT001+Pembrolizumab combination on the tumor microenvironment and disease outcomes.
Full description
Phase 1b: The identified RP2D of combined ACT001 with Pembrolizumab will be determined by standard 3+3 dose escalation methodology among three ACT001 dosages (200mg, 400mg and 800mg, BID) with standard Pembrolizumab dosage. Patients will be dosed approximately 2 weeks prior to surgical resection with a single dose of Pembrolizumab and ACT001. Tumor resection will be performed and a biopsy will be obtained from the resected tumor tissue to evaluate the impact of the study drugs on the TME. After recovery from surgery, patients will resume ACT001 and Pembrolizumab until tumor progression (assessed by iRANO) or an AE requiring discontinuation of study drug. The Safety Monitoring Committee (SMC) will review the data available from all evaluable patients at each dose level prior to recommending escalation to the next dose level.
Phase 2a: Using the same dosing schedule and ACT001 dosage as determined in Phase 1b. Patients will be randomized to receive either Pembrolizumab only treatment (Arm A, 10 patients) or ACT001 plus Pembrolizumab treatment (Arm B, 20 patients).
Inclusion criteria
Patient has provided written informed consent.
≥ 18 years old at time of screening visit.
Histologically confirmed GBM at the time of diagnosis.
First or second relapse by the time of consenting.
Tumor progression (magnetic resonance imaging [MRI], defined by RANO) post prior treatments.
Feasibility for re-surgery.
Karnofsky Performance Status ≥ 70% (requires occasional assistance, but able to care for most of their needs, equivalent to < ECOG 2).
Must be ≥ 4 weeks from administration of last dose of cancer therapy (including radiation therapy or chemotherapy). The patient must have recovered from all treatment-related toxicities to less than grade 2 per Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE) version 5.0.
Life expectancy of ≥ 3 months.
Adequate organ function (absolute neutrophil count ≥1.5 x 109 /L, lymphocytes ≥ 0.5 x 109 /L, platelets ≥ 75 x 109 /L, hemoglobin ≥ 10 g/dl; total bilirubin ≤ 1.5 x institutional upper limit of normal (ULN); alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ≤ 2.5 x ULN (≤ 5.0 x ULN if liver metastasis); plasma creatinine ≤ 1.5 x ULN; QTc < 450 ms (male), < 470 ms (female).
Female patients are eligible if they are of:
Non-childbearing potential, defined as
Childbearing potential with a negative serum pregnancy test at screening (within 7 days of the first investigational product administration) and uses a highly effective method contraception before study entry and throughout the study until 28 days after the last investigational product administration. Highly effective contraception (<1% failure rate per year), when used consistently and in accordance with both the product label and the instructions of the physician, are defined as follows:
Male patients, if sexually active, must agree to use a highly effective method of contraception (< 1% failure rate per year) with their female partners from screening until 28 days following the last study drug administration.
Absence of deteriorating neurological symptoms, new onset of seizures and the need for increasing doses of corticosteroids.
Absence of toxicity from prior therapy (excluding alopecia) that has not resolved to ≤ Grade 1 unless otherwise specified.
Absence of other clinically significant concomitant active medical disorder, based on the investigator's judgement
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
48 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
C3 Research Associates
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites