This study will be a randomized clinical trial involving a total of 24 subjects. The investigators propose to recruit subjects into 2 groups: 1) Extraction treated with xenograft bone substitute (BioOss Collagen®) + collagen dressing (HeliPlug®), 2) Extraction treated with xenograft bone substitute (BioOss Collagen®) + 3D-collagen matrix (Mucograft Seal®). All subjects recruited will have already been approved and treatment planned for extraction + implant placement by non-study personnel to avoid any potential conflict of interest. All subjects will have radiographs that show the tooth planned for extraction. Each subject will be eligible for only 1 tooth extraction + dental implant rehabilitation. After tooth extraction, subjects will receive a standard site preservation therapy consisted with xenograft bone substitute + collagen dressing or the alternative site preservation therapy consisted with xenograft bone substitute + 3D-collagen matrix. After the conventional 6-month healing period, subjects will receive a dental implant in the previous extracted site. During the dental implant procedure, a 2x5mm bone core biopsy + a 2mm gingival biopsy will be obtained from the implant site. Biopsy samples will be stored for future histological and histochemical analysis. After dental implant placement, all subjects will receive a healing abutment for soft tissue healing prior to implant restoration.
During the 6-month healing time after tooth extraction and site preservation therapy, subjects will return at week-1, week-2, week-4, month-3, and month-6 for intra-oral scanning for soft tissue volumetric acquirement. Subjects will receive a Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) prior to extraction for the baseline hard-tissue volume measurement and appropriate extraction planning and at 6-month post-extraction for volumetric measurement and appropriate implant treatment planning.
Hard tissue analysis will be performed to compare linear ridge remodeling (baseline vs. 6-month healing). CBCT images will be analyzed by non-contact reverse engineering system. Soft tissue volumetric analysis will be performed to compare the soft tissue healing between BioOss Collagen + Mucograft Seal and BioOss Collagen + Collagen Dressing. Images captured with an intra-oral scanner collected at baseline, week-1, -2, -4, month-3, and month-6.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
24 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites