Background and study aims:
Constipation, which is difficulty going to the toilet to do a 'poo' is common in adults with learning disabilities (LD), but there is not a lot of knowledge (information) about the best way to help treat constipation experienced by adults with learning disabilities. Adults with learning disabilities who have constipation should be assessed and treated. There is knowledge to suggest that abdominal massage may help some people with constipation so that people with constipation can go to the toilet more easily.
There is also knowledge to suggest that the use of a device to do the massage may be as beneficial as getting a carer to do it for the participant.
This research wants to invite 40 adults with learning disabilities with constipation to take part. 30 will be offered the abdominal massage, either by a carer or the device, and 10 will not be offered the massage. However, the participants will be shown how to do it at the end of the study.
This research wants to find out if people with LD are willing to take part in such a study and if the participants are more willing to let a carer do the massage, or would rather use the device. It is also important that the investigators know if the participants who are in the group not getting the massage are willing to continue in the research. Taking part for 6 weeks will provide the investigators with this important information before the investigators undertake a much larger study which the investigators need to do to find out if it helps with constipation.
Inclusion criteria
1a-those on long term laxatives but still prone to constipation
1b- those who have been admitted to hospital due to impaction
1c- those who use enemas regularly but still have emptying problems.
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
31 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Janet Finlayson, Dr; Kirsteen Goodman, Dr
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites