Constipation is Infrequent or difficult evacuation of FECES. These symptoms are associated with a variety of causes, including low DIETARY FIBER intake, emotional or nervous disturbances, systemic and structural disorders, drug-induced aggravation, and infections. Patients complaining of constipation may mean different things by the term The frequency of their bowel actions may be less than 'normal', their stools maybe difficult to pass, or they may have a sense of malaise or abdominal discomfort which they attribute to a 'sluggish bowel', though the stool frequency and consistency are apparently normal. Objective of this study is to compare effects of Abdominal massage. withTENSonparasacralversussacralareaonsymptomseverityandqualityoflifein severechronicconstipationamongyoungfemales.
Full description
This study will be a Randomized Clinical trial and will be conducted at services Hospital in Lahore. The study will be completed with in the time duration of eight months. Purposive sampling technique will be used to collect the data. A sample size of Total 24 patients will be taken in this study. Patients will be divided into two groups.(Group A will be treated with TENS on sacral area and abdominal massage where as Group B will be treated with TENS on par sacral area and abdominal massage).PAC-SYM Questionaire,PAC-QOL Questionaire will be used to ask some questions related to patients 'symptoms and abdominal cramps or bloating.. All participants of the study will fill the PAC-SYMQ and PAC-QOL Q on day 1 as pre treatment values and at the end of 4th session as post treatment values respectively. The collected data will be analyzed on SPSS-25.
Keywords : constipation, Quality of life , abdominal massage.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
26 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Imran Amjad, Phd; Faiza Taufiq, PPDPT
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites