The goal of this pilot clinical trial is to learn about efficacy of acupuncture about blood pressure fluctuation during total laparoscopic hysterectomy in patients with uterine fibroid.
Participants will receive two times of acupuncture treatment before surgery and researchers will compare to see if acupuncture treatment would stabilize blood pressure fluctuation especially from induction time to post-incision moment.
Full description
After sufficient explanation about the purpose and methods of this clinical study by a researcher, the subject who voluntarily decided to participate and signed a written consent will be evaluated for eligibility at the screening visit. Eligible subjects will be determined as acupuncture group and a placebo control group according to the randomization. Acupuncture treatment is performed twice, one day before surgery and the same day.
On the day of surgery, after entering the operating room, monitoring equipments (non-invasive blood pressure monitor, pulse oxygen saturation, electrocardiogram, anesthesia depth sensor, neuromuscular monitor) will be installed and vital signs including pulse rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation are measured.
Anesthesia was induced with an anesthetic (intravenous propofol 1-2.5 mg/kg, IV), an analgesic (remifentanyl 0.2mg/hr, IVF), and a muscle relaxant (intravenous rocuronium 0.6-1.2 mg/kg). After induction of anesthesia, anesthesiologist performed tracheal intubation maintaining an appropriate depth of anesthesia (Sedline < 50). Mechanical ventilation started keeping end-tidal CO2 pressure of 25-35 mmHg). Then, an additional venous tube was secured. Additional disinfection process was performed, surgery is prepared.
With the patient in the lithotomy position and under the general anesthesia, the abdomen was prepared, painted and draped with the usual manner. The uterine elevator was inserted. Skin incision was performed and trocar was inserted. The CO2 gas was infused to make pneumoperitoneum which pressure was reached to 12mmHg. Entering into the abdominal cavity, the patient position was changed to the Trendelenburg position. And then the pelvic cavity and whole abdomen were examined. Bilateral pelvic side wall triangles were opened in parallel to infundibulopelvic ligament and ureter dissection was done. The ureteral course was identified, and then the right round ligament and ovarian ligament were coagulated with bipolar endocoagulator, cut with endoscissors. The left sided uterine ligaments were manipulated with the same method as above. The bladder flap was pushed and posterior broad ligament was mobilized. Bilateral uterine vessels were skeletonized and bilateral uterine vessels were coagulated and then cut. Circumferential colpotomy was done with unipolar scissor, and the uterus was removed transvaginally and then vaginal cuff was closed intracorporeal continuous suture. Hemostasis and ureteral peristalsis were assured and abdominal cavity was irrigated with normal saline. The subcutaneous tissue and the skin were closed layer by layer. In all processes, a qualified anesthesiologist whose clinical experience of more than 10 years will control the analgesic or anesthetic injection rate and inhalation gas concentration to maintain the appropriate blood pressure and depth of anesthesia.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Adulthood participants who were planned to have surgical removal of uterus for uterine fibroid and have expected date of total laparoscopic hysterectomy by a gynecologist were eligible.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
48 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Central trial contact
Jee Young Lee, Dr
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites