Study type
Funder types
This study is evaluate the superior efficacy of a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM)-based advisory system in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), as compared to Sensor Augmented Mode (SAM) therapy, and with characterizing the impact of psycho-behavioral factors on system performance, which will enable system individualization and lead to automated adaptation of advice delivery to optimize glycemic control and reduce the system's psychological impact.
Full description
Four cohorts of about 25 participants each (expected retention 20 per cohort). Each cohort will continue for ~7 months. Following recruitment, screening, and a run-in period of SAM, participants will be randomized into one of two groups: escalation vs. de-escalation of devices and function. Each treatment modality (SAM - Sensor-Augmented Mode, PF - Personalized Feedback, DSS - Decision Support Systems) will continue for about 8 weeks, with the last 4 weeks used to assess glucose variability (GV) from CGM data.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
NPH (neutral protamine hagedorn) insulin
Use of any medication that at the discretion of the investigator is deemed to interfere with the trial.
Current treatment of a primary seizure disorder
Coronary artery disease or heart failure, unless written clearance is received from a cardiologist.
Hemophilia or any other bleeding disorder
A known medical condition, which in the opinion of the investigator or designee, would put the participant or study at risk such as the following examples:
A recent injury to body or limb, muscular disorder, use of any medication, any carcinogenic disease, or other significant medical disorder if that injury, medication or disease in the judgment of the investigator will affect the completion of the protocol.
Not familiar with smart phone technology
Current use of the following drugs and supplements:
Participation in another pharmaceutical or device trial at the time of enrollment or during the study.
Primary purpose
Interventional model
88 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Emma Emory, RN; Marc Breton, PhD
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites