The purpose of this study is to monitor adherence to a clothing-attached breathing monitor, respiratory patterns, and activity levels in COPD patients, and correlate those respiratory patterns and activity levels with patient-reported symptoms and events. To achieve this purpose, Spire will collect data from a wearable monitor that participants attach to the participant's clothing, an associated smartphone application, and completion of weekly questions. The wearable monitor and the consumer smartphone application to be used are consumer products and currently available in the market.
This study does not include clinical intervention and no doctors will be involved in this study.
No clinical tests or office visits are included in this study. All data will be collected through an online survey tool and remotely through the wearable sensors.
Full description
This is an exploratory, observational, non interventional, single-arm, open label, remote pilot study involving up to 150 self-reported COPD participants. Eligible participants will wear the Spire biophysiological health monitors for a period of 9 months while the participants report symptoms on a weekly basis via brief surveys. If and when participants incur a COPD-related exacerbation which results in a medication change after hospitalization or contact with a healthcare provider, participants will report this on the weekly surveys. When this survey is read by a study nurse, the nurse will follow up with the participant by phone to conduct a post-exacerbation phone screening. This data would provide context to inform how to correlate the biosensor-sensed physiological parameters with the exacerbation self-reported data. All study participants will be remotely distributed throughout the United States.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites