Symptoms such as cough, wheeze, and breathlessness are among the most common reasons for general practitioner or emergency department visits in the UK. Such symptoms have a profound impact on patients' ability to live a fulfilled life, often rendering people unable to work and socialise.
Azithromycin (a type of antibiotic) improves symptoms and reduces flare-ups of diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The reason why it works is unclear. Many people believe that it either decreases the number of bacteria in the lungs or reduces inflammation in the lungs and the upper airways. Neither theory is proven. Another possible mechanism that has been much less studied is that Azithromycin encourages the body to move food and fluid through the gut more quickly, thus preventing reflux and aspiration of small food particles and stomach acid. It has been shown that lung damage can occur when gut contents enter the airways, which may contribute chronic lung disease patients' symptoms
In this study the investigators will test the effect of azithromycin on the gut in patients with chronic lung diseases. The investigators will measure the strength of a patients swallow by measuring the pressures in their gullet, using high-resolution oesophageal manometry (HROM), before and after treatment, in people being started on azithromycin as part of their routine care. The investigators will also measure the effect that azithromycin has on their symptoms and observe whether there is a relationship between the strength of their swallow and their symptoms.
At the end of this study, the investigators hope to better understand the way in which azithromycin helps to improve the symptoms of patients with chronic lung diseases. The investigators also hope to open the door to investigate the effect of other drugs that improve gut function in patients with chronic lung diseases.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Central trial contact
Dominic L Sykes, MBBS, BSc; James Illingworth
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites