Acupuncture has been a means of treating headaches and migraine since 2002 and is now a World Health Organisation-recognized prophylactic treatment for migraine. Brain activation/de-activation via acupuncture modifies the haemodynamic responses in the brain which may impact the sensorial, cognitive and affective dimensions of pain. Randomized studies on patients suffering from aura-free migraine have shown that the painkilling effect of regular acupuncture sessions on the cerebral substratum, compared with simulated sham-type acupuncture, can reduce the frequency of bouts of migraine, number of days with headaches and also their intensity.
Modifications to the white matter (WM) and grey matter (GM) occur after repeated sessions of acupuncture treatment for pain and these are observable via magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). It is a very sensitive technique and often used to detect functional and structural brain changes.
Full description
Since 2002, acupuncture has been employed as a method for treating headaches and migraine. It is recognized by the World Health Organisation (WHO), and is now part of the prophylactic treatments for migraine. Brain activations/de-activation via acupuncture lead to a modification of haemodynamic responses in the brain which may impact the sensorial, cognitive and affective dimensions of pain. Randomized studies on patients who suffer from migraine without aura have shown that the painkilling effect of repeated acupuncture sessions on the cerebral substratum, compared with simulated sham-type acupuncture, make it possible to reduce the frequency of bouts of migraine, the number of days of headaches, and the intensity of the bouts.
Following repeated sessions of acupuncture treatment for pain, modifications occur in the white matter (WM) and in the grey matter (GM) and these may be observed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) which is a highly sensitive technique and very often used to detect functional brain changes and/or subtle abnormalities.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
40 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Fabricio PEREIRA, Dr.; Marc FREARD, Dr.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites