Status and phase
Study type
Funder types
The goal of this study is to better understand how daily treatment with cannabidiol (CBD) affects the need for opioid pain medication, as well as pain, inflammation and other related symptoms, after knee replacement surgery. The information collected in this study is necessary to help understand whether CBD may be a useful medication before and/or after surgery.
The study hypothesis is that CBD exerts opioid-sparing effects through anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and anxiolytic mechanisms.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Revision or bilateral total knee arthroplasty
Individuals receiving or actively applying for worker's compensation or disability and other aspects associated with potential secondary gain
Severe physical impairment or clinically significant illness (e.g., blindness, paraplegia)
Co-morbid medical conditions that may significantly impair physical functional status (e.g., current non-skin malignancies, solid organ transplant in the past year)
Illicit drug use (other than cannabis). Unreported opioid use would be exclusionary but reported prescribed opioid use is allowed (e.g. patient denies opioid use but is found to be positive on the urine drug screen)
Use of cannabis products in the past 30 days (self-report and confirmed with urinalysis). Note - may be rescreened with appropriate wash-out period (see protocol)
High daily preoperative opioid dose
Individuals with major neurological disorders, such as dementia, Parkinson's disease, cognitive impairment, epilepsy, history of traumatic brain injury/head injury, and seizures
Individuals with significant illness (e.g., cancer) and/or clinically significant labs (e.g. labs measured by complete blood count (CBC) and basic chemistry with values meaningfully outside of the normal range [abnormal levels to be reviewed by the Principal Investigator or prescribing provider])
Medical or psychiatric conditions that in the judgment of study personnel would preclude participation in this study (e.g., psychosis, suicidal ideation; note that stable anxiety and depression are not exclusions)
Pregnant or nursing women (total joint arthroplasty is typically not indicated in this group of patients)
Self-reported liver cirrhosis
Self-reported uncontrolled diabetes
Self-reported active hepatitis (any etiology, including infectious, autoimmune, or alcohol-related)
Blood pressure at screening above 180 millimeters of mercury (mmHg) systolic and/or 120 mmHg diastolic; if value exceeds the set point, potential participants will have repeat assessment within 5 minutes for up to two additional measurements.
Resting heart rate at screening less than 50 beats per minute (bpm) or greater than 100 bpm; if value exceeds the set point, potential participants will have repeat assessment within 5 minutes for up to two additional measurements.
Elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin (measured by blood test at screening)
Serum total bilirubin ≥ 2.5 milligrams (mg) per deciliter (dL) (mg/dL); or,
Severe cardiovascular disease (e.g., current unstable angina, current congestive heart failure, or current severe valvular abnormalities) that is self-reported by patient or in medical record
Current valproate, clobazam, or warfarin use per self-report or medical records
Current use of strong inducers of cytochrome p450 (CYP) enzymes CYP3A4 and CYP2C19, or CYP2C19 substrates with a narrow therapeutic index
Self-reported allergies to sesame oil, strawberries, opioids, or cannabis/cannabinoids
Any impairment, activity, behavior, or situation that in the judgment of the study team would prevent satisfactory completion of the study protocol
Self-reported severe side effects to opioids precluding the use of opioids for post-surgical pain and/or clear plan not to use any opioids after surgery
Participation in other clinical trials over the course of this study
Primary purpose
Interventional model
380 participants in 4 patient groups, including a placebo group
Central trial contact
Kendall Dubois
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites