The aim of this observational study was to obtain information about the change in the burden of care of parents of children with cerebral palsy after hip and knee surgeries. The main questions it aims to answer are:
Q1-Does caregiver burden change after hip and knee surgeries? Q2-If so, which factors contribute more positively to this situation? Participants will be asked to answer the scales given to them periodically before and after the surgery.
Full description
One of the most common causes of disability in childhood is cerebral palsy, which develops due to damage to the central nervous system. Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy face different problems in every period of their lives. The child, his/her family and the society he/she lives in should be considered as a whole. There is a mechanism that mutually affects each other.
Parenting, caring for and living with a child with cerebral palsy can have many negative effects on the lives of parents and create additional burdens for them. Parents may have to choose between their own needs, the needs of other members of the family and the needs of the child with cerebral palsy, and may spend most of their time with their disabled child. This can negatively affect the burden, stress level, physical activity level, quality of life, psychological status and self-efficacy perception.
The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the caregiver burden in Cerebral Palsy, which is the most common cause of morbidity in the pediatric age group in orthopedics, and to analyze the factors that negatively affect it. Our hypothesis is that the functional mobilization status of patients will increase, especially as a result of hip surgeries, reducing caregiver burden.
Inclusion criteria
Parent Age
a. Being in the 20-60 age group.
A minimum follow-up of 12 months after surgery
The primary carer is the mother or father
Exclusion criteria
45 participants in 1 patient group
Central trial contact
Ahmet Muçteba AM Yıldırım, Fellow
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites