Huntington's disease (HD) is a rare inherited neurodegenerative disorder, progressing between 15 and 20 years and affecting one person out of 10.000. In France, it concerns some 6.000 patients symptomatic and 12 000 asymptomatic carriers.
Few extensive researches have been conducted on the progression of the disease, which is defined in the literature in 5 stages in a functional approach.
Therapeutically, no cure for HD is currently validated but only symptomatic treatments. There's various treatment options: medicated, humans (physiotherapy, speech therapist, occupational therapist, ..).
Although these treatment options do not prevent the progression of the disease, their combination associated with a stimulating environment may slow the decline of physical, intellectual and psychic abilities of patients.
In social terms, patients with HD require sustained support, especially in cases of family isolation.
The behavioural, gaiting and eating disorder as well as the communications difficulties make it difficult support daily for the entourage. The caregivers are sometimes dealing with untenable situations. Home care services, which are crucial to alleviating dependency, relieve family caregivers but are for the most severe patient.
Moreover, the justified placement decision in an institution generates a feeling of guilt for the family.
The caregiver is the person who brings non-professional assistance , partly or wholly , to a dependent member of his entourage , for the activities of daily living. This regular care may be provided permanently or not. It can take many forms, such as , care , nursing , support to education and social life , administrative procedures , psychological support .
Caregivers have their lives profoundly reshaped. They are often forced to give up some of their habits , give up their future plans , change their relationships. The commitment of caregivers with patients with Huntington's disease actually sounds on their mental and physical health, as well as their social and professional life
Very few studies have been conducted to measure the difficulties and implications of these caregivers.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
179 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites