This trial is intended to evaluate the effect of IPL treatment on the Striae Distensae. The study hypothesis is that the SR580 applicator will improve the appearance of Striae Distensae by at least 1 point on the Global Aesthetic Improvement ScaleI (GAIS) at 3 months follow-up compared to baseline in at least 50% of the study population.
Full description
Study Design This is a multi-site, prospective, open labeled clinical trial with before-after study design. This study will include up to 8 visits at the clinic: initial screening/consultation, 5 treatments, visits in 2 week intervals, and 2 follow-up visits at 1 and 3 months after the last treatment visit.
Up to 60 healthy subjects age 24-65 with Striae Distensae will be enrolled.
Study duration:
Duration of subject's participation: Up to 5.5 months from enrollment to termination
Blinding Objective assessment of clinical improvement by global assessment scale will be achieved by sending before/after pictures (baseline/3months after last treatment) to 3 blinded reviewers at the end of the study.
Study Procedures Test Spots Up to 3 test spots will be performed in the selected treatment area to determine the optimal parameters / settings
Treatment visits Each subject will be enrolled and scheduled for 5 treatments at 2 week intervals and return for follow-up visits at one month and 3 months after the last treatment for evaluation of the treated areas. The duration of the entire treatment visit is approximately 60 minutes.
Treatment The treatment areas are divided into 2 treatment areas: abdomen or thighs. Apply a thin layer of IPL gel. Place the applicator in close contact, perpendicular to the skin with no pressure applied. Pressing the applicator will fire the IPL pulse.
Administer pulses throughout the treated area to ensure full coverage of the treated area with applicator overlap approximately 1/3 of the previously treated skin.
A single pass over the area is completed Remove the remnants of the IPL gel and dry thoroughly. Cold air or cold, wet but not frozen gauze pads may be placed on the treated area for post treatment cooling.
Typical responses to the treatment are mild erythema and edema.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
28.Tattoo or permanent makeup at the treatment area. 29.Mentally incompetent, prisoner or evidence of active substance or alcohol abuse 30.Any condition which, in the Investigator's opinion, would make it unsafe (for the subject or for the study personnel) to treat the subject as part of this research study
Primary purpose
Interventional model
54 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites