Duly Health and Care | 2614 W. Jefferson Street
Status and phase
Multicenter, open-label, randomized, controlled phase III clinical trial to evaluate and compare the activity and safety of two experimental arms consisting of lurbinectedin as single agent (Group A) or the combination of lurbinectedin with irinotecan (Group B) versus Investigator's Choice (topotecan or irinotecan) as control arm (Group C), in Small-cell Lung Cancer (SCLC) patients who failed one prior platinum-containing line.
Full description
Approximately 705 Adult SCLC patients with Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance status (PS) ≤ 2 who have failed one prior platinum-containing line with CTFI ≥ 30 days and controlled asymptomatic and pretreated Central Nervous System metastases will be enrolled and assigned to each treatment arm.
Central randomization will be implemented; patients will be assigned to each treatment arm at a 1:1:1 ratio.
An Independent Data Monitoring Committee (IDMC) will oversee the conduct of the study. The IDMC should have access to unblinded efficacy and safety data throughout the trial to enable timely and informed judgments about risks and benefits.
Inclusion criteria
Voluntary written informed consent of the patient obtained before any study-specific procedure
Age≥18 years
Histologically or cytologically confirmed diagnosis of SCLC.
One prior line of platinum-containing chemotherapy with/without anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1 (Note: at least 70% of patients included in the study have to be pretreated with anti-PD-1 or anti-PD-L1)
Chemotherapy-free interval (CTFI, time from the last dose of first-line platinum-containing chemotherapy to the occurrence of progressive disease) ≥ 30 days (independent of the immunotherapy maintenance, if applicable)
Patients with history of Central Nervous System (CNS) metastases can participate provided they are pretreated and radiologically stable (i.e., without evidence of progression) for at least 4 weeks by repeated imaging (note: repeated imaging should be performed during study screening), asymptomatic, and without requirement of steroid treatment for at least 7 days before the first dose of study treatment
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) PS ≤ 2
Adequate hematological, renal, metabolic and hepatic function:
At least three weeks since last prior antineoplastic treatment and recovery to grade ≤ 1 from any adverse event (AE) related to previous anticancer treatment (excluding sensory neuropathy, immune-related hypothyroidism, anemia, asthenia and alopecia, all grade ≤ 2) according to the National Cancer InstituteCommon Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (NCICTCAE) v.5.
Prior radiotherapy (RT): At least two weeks since completion of prophylactic cranial irradiation (PCI), and to any other site not previously specified.
Evidence of non-childbearing status for women of childbearing potential (WOCBP). WOCBP must agree to use a highly effective contraceptive measure up to seven months after treatment discontinuation. Fertile male patients with WOCBP partners should use condoms during treatment and for four months following the last investigational medicinal product (IMP) dose.
Exclusion criteria
Platinum-naïve patients or patients pretreated with more than one prior chemotherapy regimen (including patients re-challenged with same initial regimen).
Prior treatment with lurbinectedin, trabectedin, PM14, or topoisomerase I inhibitors (irinotecan, topotecan, etc.).
Active or untreated CNS metastases and/or carcinomatous meningitis.
Patients with limited-stage disease who are candidates for local or regional therapy, including PCI, thoracic RT or both, must have been offered that option and completed treatment or refused it prior to randomization.
Concomitant diseases/conditions:
RT in more than 35% of the bone marrow.
History of previous bone marrow and/or stem cell transplantation and allogenic transplant.
Patient has received a live or live-attenuated vaccine within 30 days before the first dose of study intervention. Administration of inactivated vaccines is allowed.
Impending need for RT (e.g., painful bone metastasis and/or risk of spinal cord compression).
History of allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the study drugs or any of their excipients.
Women who are pregnant or breast feeding and fertile patients (men and women) who are not able to use a highly effective method of contraception
Primary purpose
Interventional model
705 participants in 3 patient groups
Central trial contact
José Antonio Lopez-Vilariño, MD
Data sourced from clinicaltrials.gov
Clinical trials
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