Full description
Inflammatory bowel disease is a group of disorders associated with chronic, recurrent, and immune system-mediated inflammation of The bowel mucosa . The reported global incidence and prevalence rates for ulcerative colitis vary between 1.2-20.3 and 6-246 per 100000 persons, respectively, and the corresponding figures for Crohns disease are 0.03-15.6 and 3.6-214 [2 In a population based cohort study involving 1160 patients with ulcerative colitis, the complication-related mortality rate was 9.6% during follow-up period of 35 years, in another study, 221 patients with Crohns disease were followed up for 33 years, with an overall complication-related mortality rate of Of the extra-intestinal manifestations of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), thromboembolic events represent a major cause of morbidity and mortality with a 3.6 times increased risk in comparison with the general population .
Although clinical observations suggest an incidence rate between 1 and 8% for thromboembolic events in subjects with IBD, postmortem studies point out to a much higher occurrence rate around 41% . As a matter of fact, these and similar findings have led to an increased interest in the search for the association between IBD and hypercoagulable states as a potential cause of increased morbidity and mortality due to thromboembolic events in IBD . For instance, the existence of documentable prothrombotic abnormalities and a positive history for thromboembolic complications were demonstrated in at least one third of the subjects with IBD in a study by Solem et al Inflammation and coagulation are two crucial systems that are in balance and constantly influence each other. The impact of inflammation on coagulation has been confirmed by several experimental studies showing that inflammatory mechanism shift the hemostatic balance to favor the activation of coagulation which, in turn, can also sustain inflammation promoting a vicious circle between chronic inflammation and thrombosis
Inclusion criteria
All patients of IBD more than 18 years
Exclusion criteria
-All IBD patients less than 18 years-all diseases that cause coagulation disorders all diseases that cause coagulation disorders ( liver diseases , collagen diseases, other auto immune disease
50 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Mohamed Ali mahmoud; Mahmoud Ali mahmoud ashry
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites