The healing process after tooth removal involves bone remodelling which implies some loss of alveolar bone volume.Among materials proposed for minimising this remodelling and preserving the bone, autologous dental tissue is a promising option, but more data are needed. In this context, the investigator evaluated size and density changes using cone beam computed tomography in autologous dental material (ADM)-preserved sockets compared to controls,and assessed biological responses by histological analysis of bone implant contact (BIC) an Area density (AA) using experimental Bioetch® surface implant.
Full description
30 patients will be selected for the study, based on the inclusion/exclusion criteria and the clinical judgment of the investigator. Prior to enrollment, all subjects will be asked sign an informed consent form to demonstrate that the patient understand the scope of the study (including surgical interventions and the potential risks involved), allowing the opportunity to ask questions related to the study and giving information about treatments alternatives.
Inclusion criteria:
Partially or totally edentulous patients for whom treatment is indicated. At least 18 years of age, of both sexes and of any race. That the the participants understand that are involved in the study, including the visit requirements of follow-up.
With 6 mm or more bone width, which will be sufficient to place a cylindrical implant with 2 mm Bioetch® surface. in diameter and 8 mm of length. After 16 weeks explantation will be performed for the study, followed by placement of a wider implant.
Exclusion criteria:
Smokers. Pregnancy. History of uncontrolled systemic disease or chronic diseases. Coagulation disorder or taking anticoagulants. Treatment with bisphosphonates. Subjects with severe compromise of the immune system. History of mental instability that hinders participation in the study. Other conditions that the investigator may feel the patient is not a good candidate for this study (e.g., alcoholism, drug addiction).
Implant material: 2 mm diameter and 8 mm. of length cylinders will be used in the study. The body will be threaded with a pitch of 0.25mm. and with Bioetch® subtraction surface. The cylinders will be placed after the passage of the milling cutter. Lance and the 1.8 mm diameter. The implant enters the bed because its head It is machined with a knurled key figure that adjusts the universal screwdriver.
After 16 weeks, the study cylinders will be explanted with a trephine drill. Internal diameter 4 mm and external 4.5 mm which, in most cases, ensures recovery of the cylinder with osseointegrated material around it along its entire length.
Next, the trephine bur, with the material inside, is placed in formaldehyde buffered at 10% for transfer to the laboratory.
The patient will receive a 5 mm implant. in diameter, to rehabilitate the area where it has been collected the sample.
3 - Histological methodology: The collected sample will be placed in buffered formalin and then sent to the Histology laboratory, Anatomy section of the Department of Surgery, Medical Sciences and Social Services of the University of Alcala, for processing. This will be done in the following way:
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
27 participants in 2 patient groups, including a placebo group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites