Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to lengthen and allow one joint (or more than one joint in series) to move through a full range of motion (ROM).Adequate flexibility is important to maintain balance, agility and musculoskeletal function. A decrease in muscular flexibility does not only reduces functional level of individual but also causes musculoskeletal injuries. Loss of muscle flexibility or muscle tightness is decreased ability of a muscle to lengthen which results in decreased ROM,and for hamstring reduced flexibility is the inability to achieve more than 160 degree of knee extension while the hip is flexed at 90 degree.
Muscle energy technique (MET) is an manual technique developed by osteopaths and is now used in many different manual therapy professions, to treat soft tissue, mobilize joints, stretch tight muscles and fascia, reduce pain and to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Eccentric training allows the muscle to elongate naturally, this elongation is achieved by having the subjects eccentrically contract the antagonist muscle to move the joint through the full available range in slow controlled manner.
Full description
Flexibility is the ability of a muscle to lengthen and allow one joint (or more than one joint in series) to move through a full range of motion (ROM). Adequate flexibility is important to maintain balance, agility and musculoskeletal function. A decrease in muscular flexibility does not only reduces functional level of individual but also causes musculoskeletal injuries. Loss of muscle flexibility or muscle tightness is decreased ability of a muscle to lengthen which results in decreased ROM. and for hamstring reduced flexibility is the inability to achieve more than 160 degree of knee extension while the hip is flexed at 90 degree. Hamstring muscles have a great tendency to shortening even in normal circumstances, due to their multi-joint function and their tonic postural character. Techniques previously investigated for hamstring flexibility include static, ballistic and active assisted stretching exercise, ice, heat, soft tissue massage, ultra sound, Short Wave Diathermy, myofascial release, (PNF), kinesio taping, MET Each of these interventions has demonstrated clinical and experimental success; no agreement has been reached on a standard protocol for treatment.
Muscle energy technique (MET) is an manual technique developed by osteopaths and is now used in many different manual therapy professions, to treat soft tissue, mobilize joints, stretch tight muscles and fascia, reduce pain and to improve circulation and lymphatic drainage.
Eccentric training allows the muscle to elongate naturally, this elongation is achieved by having the subjects eccentrically contract the antagonist muscle to move the joint through the full available range in slow controlled manner. Eccentric resistance exercise may prevent injury to the muscle tendon unit by improving the muscle's ability to absorb more energy before failing and it is a better training strategy to improve the flexibility as it also increases strength and protects against muscle damage.
Inclusion criteria
• A deficit of >20° of knee extension with the hip at 90°
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
40 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites