Chronic ankle instability is characterized by a patient's being more than 12 months removed from the initial LAS and exhibiting a propensity for recurrent ankle sprains, frequent episodes or perceptions of the ankle giving way, and persistent symptoms such as pain, swelling, limited motion, weakness, and diminished self-reported function. This study will Compare Resistance Training with and without Plyometric exercises on Athletes with Chronic Ankle instability and changes will be recorded using different methods and tools. Patients will be randomly allocated into two different groups. Group A will be treated with resistance training and Group B will be treated with resistance training along with plyometric exercises . Participants will complete clinician-oriented tests. Participants of both groups will be evaluated before and after the application of respective interventions at the end of 8th week. Data will be analysed.
Full description
Resistance training applies effort to overcome resistance, which results in increased muscle fibre recruitment and stronger synchronization, ultimately enhancing neuromuscular control and leading to muscular growth. Elastic resistance training is not only the cheaper intervention but is also able to promote similar strength gains to conventional resistance training. Both isokinetic muscle strength training and Thera-Band strength training have been used extensively to increase muscle strength after sports injuries and improve muscle performance in athletes, thereby accelerating injury recovery. Plyometric training provided benefits in both static and dynamic balances for individuals with Functional ankle instability. Plyometric are more effective than resistive exercises in improving functional performance of athletes after lateral ankle sprain. Convenient sampling technique will be used to collect the data. The sample size of 24 patients will be recruited. Patients will be randomly allocated into two different groups through sealed envelope method.12 patients will be allocated in each group A will be treated with resistance training and Group B will be treated with resistance training along with plyometric exercises so resistance training exercises are help full in athletic performance .Group B will be treated with resistance training along with plyometric exercises . Participants will complete patient-oriented questionnaires (CAIT for measuring the severity of functional ankle instability Foot and Ankle Ability Measure [FAAM] to assess physical function for individuals with foot and ankle related impairments, Numeric pain rating scale for pain, Short-Form 36 [SF-36] to indicate the health status of particular populations, to help with service planning and to measure the impact of clinical and social interventions. Culture-specific data are required to calculate SF-36 norm-based. Goniometer to measure available ranges will also be used Participants of both groups will be evaluated before the application of interventional techniques and re-evaluated after the application of respective interventions at the end of 8th week. Data will be analysed on SPSS 21 .The combination of both resistance and plyometric exercises could give more significant result.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
24 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Muhammad Atif Javed, PP-DPT; Anam Dalawar, DPT
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites