The aim of this study is to conduct a randomized controlled trail to compare and analyze the effects of both whole body vibrator (WBV) and proprioceptive training through Tai Chi program on static and dynamic postural balance variables of the elderly population. The purpose of the study is to determine that whether whole body vibrator is more evident or proprioceptive training is more effective for promoting functional independency and improving balance in older adults. Hence distinguishing choices to prevent fall and advancing functional independency by using the appropriate intervention without using extreme loads.
Full description
Elderly population is defined as 'people aged 65 or above'. Aging is a complex and challenging process of physiological changes and it is associated with decline of biological functions. Increasing age is linked with impairments in visual, proprioception, vestibular systems, decline in muscular strength and control of the lower limbs, balance/postural control, and of the mobility patterns which are known to be substantial hazards for fall, and these parameters have been found to be dynamically more disabled with getting older. Among all these factors, there is obvious decline in normal functioning and balance related issues, common in elderly population due to proprioceptive function loss that is the person is unable to sense his joint position and motion which ultimately results in mobility impairments.
Therefore, researchers have been looking for new approaches that are more feasible to improve the independence and physical mobility in older individuals and over the past decade the whole body vibrator (WBV) have been seeking attention for the beneficence of the elderly population. It is a neuromuscular training modality used to improve muscle strength, power, balance, mobility, cardiorespiratory rehabilitation, improves neuromuscular and musculoskeletal functions and general health both in healthy and as well as in orthopedic patients and neurologically diseased elderly population .Bilateral proprioceptive training is also used for impaired balance, proprioception loss and decreased ROM in elderly population. Proprioceptive receptors are present in our skin, muscles, tendons and joints with the help of which we can sense position and movement of limbs and trunk, sense of force and sense of heaviness in the absence of vision. The mechanoreceptors of the proprioception cause activation of central nervous system by initiating action potential through release of stored sodium in to the cells, this afferent sensory stimuli to the central nervous system is essential for the control of body movements
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
40 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites