This is a cross-sectional diagnostic study. In this study, wrist oxygen saturation (SwO2) will be measured by Huami smart wearable device, SpO2 of pulse oxygen saturation monitor with medical device registration certificate and SaO2 of arterial blood gas analysis will be used as reference values. A total of 180 group data will be measured in 30~50 patients with SaO2/ SpO2 between 80%∽100%. The investigators aim to evaluate the accuracy of blood oxygen saturation detection function of huami smart wearable device.
Full description
This is a cross-sectional diagnostic study. 30~50 inpatient aged 18~85y with SaO2/ SpO2 between 80%∽100% will be recruited from the Department of Respiratory and Critical Care of Peking University First Hospital. 180 group data ( 37 of SaO2/ SpO2 between 80%∽90%, 143 of SaO2/ SpO2 between 90%∽100%) will be measured, with an average of 4-6 groups per patient. Some clinical information such as demographic data, laboratory tests, comorbidity, smoking habit and will be collected. Patients have their pulse oximetry measured multiple times using a pulse oximeter/tabletop electrocardiograph with a medical device registration certificate, and arterial blood gas analysis will be performed if required. While monitoring the pulse oximetry, a Huami smart wearable device is worn on the ipsilateral wrist to determine blood oxygen saturation. Primary outcome is the wearable device oximetry accuracy Arms (root mean square value of the SwO2-RefSpO2 difference) using a medical device registration certificate pulse oximetry monitor/tabletop ECG monitor as a reference..
The study protocol has been approved by the Peking University First Hospital Institutional Review Board (IRB) (2020-114). Any protocol modifications will be submitted for the IRB review and approval.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
30 participants in 3 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites