This case-control multicentric study involving fertile and infertile couples aims at evaluating the impact on conception rate of nutritional parameters (biologic, clinic, anthropometric, and food questionnaire).
Full description
Infertility affects about 15% of couples. Many factors relating to lifestyle and environment are likely to influence fertility. As an adapted nutrition could prevent 30% of cancers, diet could be essential, but largely neglected, in the prevention of infertility.
Some studies tried to explore the impact of diet on male or female fertility, but very few focused on both. The aim of our study is to assess the role of nutrition in both fertile and infertile couples, taking into account most of factors relating to lifestyle. Clinical, anthropometric (BMI, fat mass), biological markers (non specific - glycaemia, lipids, inflammation, electrolytes - and specific - vitamins E, A, C, D, B, including folates and MTHFR polymorphism) and semen analysis, will be combined with validated questionnaires (nutrition, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, physical activity, sleep and stress).
The statistical analysis of correlations between nutritional and clinical data will provide information concerning the impact of nutrition on fertility.
Inclusion criteria
Common to both infertile and fertile couples:
Specific to fertile couples:
Specific to infertile couples:
Exclusion criteria
Common to both infertile and fertile couples:
Specific to fertile couples:
•Couples where the woman had a miscarriage or medical termination of pregnancy with current partner
Specific to infertile couples:
Couples in which it is not the first pregnancy
Couples with the male member showing either:
severe oligozoospermia (<5 millions/ml) or a confirmed azoospermia (absence of spermatozoid in the ejaculate)
a moderate non idiopathic oligozoospermia (5-20 millions/ml), related to one more of the following factors:
couples whose male partner shows an abnormality of the male genital tractus : VARICOCEME undescended,testis, testicular volume < 12ml
couples whose female partner presents an anovulation, ovarian insufficiency or a proven uterus-tubal pathology
400 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites