The purpose of this study, is to investigate the value of diffusion weighted imaging on the differential diagnosis of solitary pulmonary lesions.
Full description
When a patient is diagnosed with a lung lesion, the differential diagnosis is important, since the treatment is determined by the lesion character. The goal in the evaluation of solitary pulmonary lesions is to distinguish malignant lesions from benign lesions in as non-invasive a manner as possible. As computed tomography is widely used, the diagnosis of solitary pulmonary lesions has become easier. The size, features of the edges, shape, internal structure (calcification, fat content, cavitation, etc.), density, satellite nodule, growth rate and contrast involvement of the lesion are important properties which help to distinguish benign lesions from malignant ones. However, as the distinction is not absolute at all times, other imaging methods such as positron emission tomography and magnetic resonance are preferred. The importance of this issue is the high five-year survival rate in early-diagnosed lung cancer cases.
Diffusion is the randomized microscopic motion of water molecules. It is known that diffusion is a sensitive parameter of tissue characterization at a microscopic level. Nowadays, diffusion is measured in vivo with diffusion weighted MRI and ADC measurements.
Diffusion weighted imaging has a wide use on oncologic patients for the purpose of diagnosis. In addition, it is used in the distinction of acute cerebral infarction and epidermoid or arachnoid cysts. Recently, it has also been used in the characterization of cystic or solid lesions in the thoracic cavity. In this study, the investigators aimed to evaluate the accuracy of differentiation of solitary pulmonary lesions.
Inclusion criteria
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Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites