The world health organization declared corona virus disease (COVID19) a pandemic since march 2020. Since then the future landscape of medical practices and procedures is being heavily shaped by the emergence of this pandemic. COVID 19 testing has already standardized within the medical field as doctors wearing scrubs or fitness examination before operation. We are now more than 2 years into COVID-19 pandemic with more than 6 effective vaccines available in the market for public to boost and build up their immunity against the virus. Every 3 to 4 months we hear about a new strain and another wave of the virus attacking the world, therefore healthcare institutions face enormous challenges in balancing patients' needs and simultaneous safety to health care workers.
The Indian council of medical research in June 2020 proposed that testing for Covid-19 for asymptomatic patients coming for elective surgeries should be performed for neurosurgery, ear nose, and throat (ENT) surgery, dental procedures, etc. and for non-surgical interventions like bronchoscopy, upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and dialysis. A role of preoperative testing of Covid-19 for every patient is still controversial especially in asymptomatic healthy patients with not known exposure to a COVID positive patient.
Most patients attending eye out patient department (EOPD) are aged 65y and older are considered at a higher risk for worse outcome in case of COVID-19 infection. Therefore a rethink of a cataract surgery pathway should include preoperative perioperative and postoperative care in order to maintain safety conditions for patients and for healthcare staff.
COVID-19 can infect anyone and result in transmission of infection before the patient become symptomatic or even without ever developing symptoms. Therefore preoperative screening of patients undergoing ophthalmic surgery should be considered.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites