The purpose of the study is to determine the effect of a combined mirror therapy and task oriented/repetitive task training on upper extremity function of persons with hemiplegia due to cerebrovascular accident or stroke.
Full description
This case series was designed to to determine the effect of a mirror therapy and repetitive task training program on the weak arm and hand functioning due to the consequences of stroke. Mirror therapy is a type of therapy mirror reflection of the stronger arm and hand helps to promote reorganization of neurons. Studies have shown that mirror therapy is an effective adjunct to regular exercise and task-oriented therapy.
To qualify for this study, participants must meet the following criteria: 1) age 21 years or more; 2) first-time stroke with onset of at least 3 months; 3) slight movement of the weaker arm or /and hand; 3) stable physical and mental health; and 4) mentally capable and competent to make health care-related decisions and carry out a home program.
Participants were required to come to Quinnipiac University - North Haven campus to undergo mirror therapy training, in 45-60 minute sessions, twice a week for one month. They were also required to complete pre-testing before and post-testing after the mirror therapy program. In addition, they were required to carry-out a home program that includes the use of a mirror box and self-selected tasks. The home program required them to exercise and practice the use of their more affected arm and hand for at least 1-2 hours a day.
Participation was strictly voluntary. Participants were informed of the minimal risks involved as well as their options to continue or withdraw from the study upon initial consent. The study did not yield physical or mental harm to the participants.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
4 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites