The aim of this study was to develop an Indonesian computer-based game prototype that targets the clinical symptoms of ADHD as well as executive function and to investigate effectiveness through fMRI BOLD examination. This was a mix-method study design; the first step was an exploratory qualitative study using focused group discussion. The second step was 'the one group pre- and post-test design study' without any control. Ten primary school children who were drug-naïve and had a diagnosis of ADHD with no other mental or physical disorders participated in the study. Clinical improvement was measured by the CATPRS, BRIEF, and fMRI BOLD examination that focused on DLPFC-Hippocampus functional connectivity before and after 20 sessions of the Indonesian computer-based game prototype training. Data were analyzed using the paired t test and Pearson's correlation in SPSS for Mac version 21, and fMRI BOLD functional analysis was performed using SPM software version 12 and CONN Toolbox version 17. The hypothesis was: the Indonesian computer-based game prototype had an effect towards ADHD clinical symptoms and executive function that correlated with DLPFC-Hippocampus functional connectivity.
Full description
This study had two phases and was designed as a mix-method study. The first step was an exploratory qualitative study, and the second was a quasi-experimental study without any control.
On the second phase of the study, it used ' the one group pre- and post-test' without control design which aims to prove that the predeveloped game has impact to executive function of the child and impact to DLPFC region of the brain. The inclusion criteria was child with ADHD age 5 to 12 years old that never taken medication prior to the study and willing to undergo training with computer based game which developed from phase one of the study for about 20 sessions with approximately 30 minutes per each session for 4 weeks consecutively. The training was conducted at school where the sample attended school so it would not disturb the learning and teaching process at school. The training would be guided and supervised directly by the researcher team.
The diagnosis of ADHD was conducted by trained child and adolescent psychiatrist guided by Mini-Kids which was structured interview guide built based on ICD-X. Children which included on the study were child with ADHD without any other mental disorder comorbidity and does not has chronic physical illness during the interview with the parents. Child which does not complete 90% of the numbers of the training that planned will not included in data analysis. Number of study's subject which needed on this research was obtained by using sample size table formula for clinical studies', with α = 0,05, β=0,2, 2-sided and consider that Δ (effect size) = 1 resulting that 10 subjects were needed. This formula was used because to date, similar study has not found or conducted ( training with game and imaging with fMRI BOLD)
Operational definition which used in this study are:
Data Analysis Qualitative data was analysed by qualitative approach and described in a form of text. Data analysis for quantitative study was conducted by 't' test analytic for variable dependent by SPSS version 21 for Mac.
Data from MRI result would undergo pre-processing process which are realignment, writing and smoothing with FHWM 8 mm, then processed with Statistical Parametric Mapping (SPM) software version 12 and CONN Toolbox version 17. Analysis method which conducted was ROI-to ROI method wth the chosen ROI for this studty were lef and right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus fucntional connectivity.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
10 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites