

Effects of Vibration Foam Rolling After Muscle Damage


Daniel Muñoz-Garcia




Pain, Acute


Device: Vibration foam roller
Device: Foam roller

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


Purpose: To compare the effects between non-vibration foam rolling (NVFR) and vibration foam rolling (VFR) on visual analogic scale (VAS), pressure pain threshold (PPT), oxygen saturation (SmO2), counter-movement jump (CMJ), and hip and knee range of movement (ROM) after induction of muscle damage through eccentric acute-exercise using inertial flywheel.

Methods: Thirty-eight healthy subjects (males n=32 females= 6, age 22.2±3.2 years) were randomly assigned in a counter-balanced fashion to either a VFR or NVFR protocol group. All subjects performed a 10x10 (sets x reps) eccentric squat protocol to induce muscle damage. The protocols were administered 48-h post-exercise, measuring VAS, PPT, SmO2, CMJ and ROM, before and immediately post-treatment. The technique of treatment was repeated on both legs for 1 min for a total of 5 sets, with a 30-s rest between sets.

Full description

Muscle damage was induced with overload eccentric training using inertial flywheel (2.7-kg flywheels with a moment inertia of 0.07 kg m-2). Immediately after baseline measures, subjects performed 10 sets x 10 repetitions parallel squats using a gravity-free training device flywheel with 2 minutes of recovery between sets. The squat exercise was chosen as basic movement because of its similar muscles recruitment to many athletic movements patterns. Furthermore, the squat exercise is one of the main exercises used to improve the lower-body strength. The required technique was demonstrated to all subjects before beginning the eccentric session, and they were coached during the protocol to be sure adequate technique and maximal effort in each repetition were maintained. All participants performed 5 min on a treadmill to warm up before performing the eccentric bout.

Description of the foam roller intervention The foam-rolling technique was based on a previously published protocol. In both protocols, the technique was repeated on both legs for 1 min for a total of 5 sets, with a 30-s rest between sets. The cadence for both techniques (NVFR and VFR) was fixed at 3:4 using a metronome.

Using a protocol adapted from previous study, subjects began in the plank position with the foam roller at the most proximal portion of the quadriceps of both legs, with as much of their body mass as possible on the foam roller.

Non-Vibration Foam Rolling (NVFR) Group: subjects performed the FR protocol using a custom-made foam roller composed of a polystyrene foam cylinder (15-cm diameter × 35-cm long).

Vibration Foam Rolling (VFR) Group: subjects performed the same protocol using a foam roller with vibration (frequency: 18 Hz) composed of a polystyrene foam cylinder (15-cm diameter × 35-cm long).


32 patients




18 to 30 years old


Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • All subjects were free from musculoskeletal disorders in the last year. All subjects were asked to abstain from unaccustomed exercise, all medications and dietary supplements 72 hours before baseline measurements, during the experimental period and post-treatment

Exclusion criteria

  • Subjects with symptoms or pathology,

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Single Blind

32 participants in 2 patient groups

Foam roller
Experimental group
Non-Vibration Foam Rolling (NVFR) Group: subjects performed the FR protocol using a custom-made foam roller composed of a polystyrene foam cylinder (15-cm diameter × 35-cm long).
Device: Foam roller
vibration foam roller
Experimental group
Vibration Foam Rolling (VFR) Group: subjects performed the same protocol using a foam roller with vibration (frequency: 18 Hz) composed of a polystyrene foam cylinder (15-cm diameter × 35-cm long) (Hyperice ®).
Device: Vibration foam roller

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