Status and phase
Insomnia is a widespread condition in which approximately one-third of adults in the United States are symptomatic with 6% of the population meeting the diagnostic criteria for insomnia. There is an increased risk of insomnia in certain segments of the population including women, middle-aged and older adults, shift workers and individuals with medical or psychiatric disorders. Individuals with insomnia have a decreased quality of life compared to those who report other serious illnesses such as major depression and congestive heart failure. Chronic insomnia can be caused by medications, drug or alcohol abuse, psychiatric disorders, medical and neurologic disorders. It can impair cognitive and physical functioning.
Propofol is an approved drug administered intravenously for use in the induction and maintenance of anesthesia or sedation. Some research suggests that propofol when administered as a two hour infusion may improve the ease of sleep onset, sleep quality, ease of awakening and the integrity of behavior following waking.
This study will be conducted in the Broward Health Medical Center Sleep Lab, under the direct care of a Board Certified Anesthesiologist, dedicated to the study involving participants who have refractory chronic primary insomnia and have not responded to conventional pharmacologic therapies within the past 90 days. Each qualifying participant will receive an IV infusion of the study medication for 5 consecutive nights. Assessments including polysomnography with completion of questionnaires will occur at screening, Days 1 through 5 of study product administration, Day 6 and Day 90. Follow-up questionnaires will also be distributed on Day 180.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
2 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites