The purpose of the study is to test the efficiency and efficacy of the Distress Thermometer of patients admitted to the tertiary Burn and Wound Center. The American Cancer Society and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network published treatment guidelines in 2005 adopting the use of the Distress Thermometer as the preferred adjunct assessment tool of a patient's emotional well-being. A literature search provided extension of the tool to a Cardiac Follow-up Clinic. The Distress Thermometer is currently used with oncology patients at Saint Elizabeth.
The emotional well being of patients and their significant others is a hallmark of wholistic care. The simple Likert scale of 0-10 has a trigger for further assessment and/ or intervention at four. The validity testing of the tool was done against the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and the Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI-18).
The purpose of this study is to measure the efficiency and efficacy of the documentation of the Distress Thermometer to patients admitted to a tertiary Burn and Wound Care Center. The frequency of the documentation will be counted and type of documentation will be categorized.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites