Status and phase
The goal of this randomized clinical trial is to determine if single-shot ropivacaine peripheral nerve blocks (PNB - perineural injections) for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction procedures in pediatric orthopaedic sports medicine patients provides significant pain relief and decreased narcotic use. The main questions it aims to answer are:
Researchers will compare the pain outcomes and narcotic use of participants who receive a single-shot ropivacaine peripheral nerve block to those of participants who do not receive a single-shot ropivacaine peripheral nerve block for their ACL reconstruction surgery. The goal is to understand if there is a significant difference in participant pain outcomes and narcotic use outside the first 24 hours postoperatively.
Participants will:
Full description
This is a single institution, prospective, single-blinded (participant) randomized controlled trial to investigate the safety and pain-control efficacy and patient reported pain outcomes of PNBs in youth receiving anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). As ACLR procedures are a frequent and standardized procedure at this institution, choosing to exclusively study this population offers a homogenous and plentiful sample. Pain protocols will follow a standard outline used by all participating surgeons to reduce variability between participants. The randomization technique of this study is supported by the equipoise of this institution's physicians regarding peripheral nerve blocks and the quantity of participants who this study's results will affect.
Participant will be approached pre-operatively for participation, after which the surgical team will be informed. Participants will be offered the choice to participate in the study and randomize their treatment group. If participants do not want their treatment to be randomized, they will not be included in the study. Participants enrolled in this study will receive either a single-shot ropivacaine peripheral nerve block intraoperatively or no single-shot ropivacaine peripheral nerve block intraoperatively during their ACL reconstruction surgery. At post-operative days 1, 4 and 7, participants will receive and complete questionnaires regarding their pain scores, levels, and outcomes, effective pain treatments, overall pain interference, narcotic use (number of pills taken), and overall pain treatment satisfaction. Additionally, participants may receive and complete secondary outcome measures of functional and psychological outcomes regarding their ACL reconstruction surgery.
As per the institutional pain management protocol, participants will receive the following anesthesia doses by body weight (BW):
Local Infiltration:
If ≤ 12 years:
If > 12 years:
The investigators will enroll 80 participants in each treatment group with 65 in each group needed for a sufficiently powered analysis.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
160 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Robert Van Pelt, MPH; Bayley Selee, BS
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites