Prospective, non-randomized, , multicenter study with two independent arms:
Primary Study Arm - TAAA and Pararenal aneurysms requiring only TAMBE System. Hypothesis-driven analysis.
Secondary Study Arm - TAAA requiring TAMBE System and CTAG Device(s). Non hypothesis-driven analysis.
Minimum: 122 implanted subjects. Maximum: 202 implanted subjects with up to 65 additional subjects implanted in Continued Access (Primary Study arm)
Inclusion criteria
Aortic aneurysm involving the visceral vessels requiring treatment defined as at least one of the following:
Aortic aneurysm that involves the abdominal aorta, with:
Adequate access for TAMBE Device components (femoral, axillary, and / or brachial arteries as required)
Age ≥ 19 years at the time of informed consent signature
Male or infertile female
Patient assessment favors an endovascular approach when compared to open surgical repair, as deemed by the treating physician
Capable of complying with protocol requirements, including follow-up
An Informed Consent Form signed by Subject or legal representative
Sufficient distal landing zones in both iliac arteries, with at least one patent internal iliac artery and without planned placement of a branched iliac device, or planned coverage/occlusion/embolization of any patent internal iliac artery.
Appropriate aortic anatomy to receive the TAMBE Device defined as all of the following:
Secondary Study Arm Only:
If aneurysm extends greater than 65 mm above celiac artery, proximal extension with a CTAG Device is required. The aortic landing zone diameter treatment range with the CTAG Device is 19.5-32 mm
The most proximal aspect of the aneurysm is at least 2.0 cm distal to the left subclavian artery.
The most proximal aortic device seal zone will be within native aorta or a previously-deployed TAG or CTAG Device • Placement inside a Dacron graft or another device manufacturer's stent graft will not be supported
Exclusion criteria
The patient is / has:
Primary purpose
Interventional model
102 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Sarah Rosbach; Alicia Bigelow
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites