The duration of orthodontic treatment is one of the exacerbation causes of orthodontic pain. Several methods have been suggested to reduce the duration of orthodontic treatment classified to surgical and non-surgical methods.
Researches used minimally invasive surgical methods like corticision, piezocesion, disicion, micro-osteoperforation, and piezopuncture indicated that most of these methods can accelerate dental movement by 20 - 40% without causing additional pain as a result of using those methods.
Applying corticision on the lower anterior teeth using a surgical blade and a hammer may accelerate tooth alignment during orthodontic treatment. This study consists of two groups, patients will be randomly assigned to one of these two groups.
Full description
Pain is defined as an unpleasant emotional sensory experience associated with actual or potential harm. It was mentioned as one of the most common complaints related to orthodontic treatment, and around 65-95% of patients undergoing orthodontic treatment suffer from various degrees of pain.
Corticision is one of the minimally invasive surgical procedures that is not associated with flap lifting. It was used to accelerate tooth movement in animals and case report studies. Its application on humans may aggravate their fear and anxiety towards the pain that may accompany this technique.
No study in the literature has been searched in patient perception of pain, discomfort, levels of acceptance and satisfaction accompanied corticision application application, but in this study, these previous variables accompanied corticision technique have been studied on crowded lower anterior teeth cases which are one of the most common types of malocclusions.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
52 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites