This study combines data from two trials testing acupuncture (ACUDES) and a Chinese herbal tea bag TBDESJS for Dry Eye Syndrome and Sjögren's syndrome. Both treatments improved tear production. Researchers will now analyze participants' blood remaining samples and other data to understand how these therapies work. They will use advanced methods to identify tiny RNA molecules and immune system activity. This integrated approach aims to explain how acupuncture and TBDESJS improve dryness and support their use in managing these conditions.
Full description
Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of acupuncture and Chinese herbal tea bag TBDESJS in patients with Dry Eye Syndrome (DES) and Sjögren's Syndrome (SJS).
Research Background: The ACUDES study, funded by the National Science Council, focuses on assessing the immediate and long-term therapeutic effects of acupuncture at the Fengchi GB20 and Zanzhu BL2 points, combined with a comprehensive analysis of oral microbiota. The TBDESJS study at Taipei Veterans General Hospital investigates the effectiveness of Chinese herbal tea bags TBDESJS in alleviating dryness symptoms in the mouth and eyes of patients with DES and SJS. Progress in the ACUDES and TBDESJS clinical trials indicates significant improvement in clinical efficacy before and after treatment in SJS and DES participants. After 16 weeks of treatment in the TBDESJS study, Schirmer's test showed a significant increase in tear secretion: 7.51-7.63 mm in the left eye (P<0.001) and 7.85-8.66 mm in the right eye (P<0.001). In ACUDES, SJS and DES participants were divided into Fengchi (GB) and Fengchi plus Zanzhu (GBL) groups, with Schirmer's test showing significant increases in tear secretion after 16 weeks of treatment: 6.44-7.51 mm in the left eye (P<0.001) and 6.44-7.51 mm in the right eye (P<0.001).
Methods: In the first year, this study will analyze remaining samples from TBDESJS and ACUDES participants, aiming to extend the analysis to 80 DES and 110 SJS participants, and 30 NHC, and then we identified the 40 DES participants and 60 SJS participants who exhibited the most significant therapeutic improvement pre- and post-treatment, alongside 30 healthy control subjects. The study will systematically analyze exosome-miRNA and transcriptome to investigate the possible mechanisms by which Chinese herbal tea bags and acupuncture alleviate dryness symptoms in the mouth and eyes. In the second year, the study will use machine learning (supervised learning with Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, Neural Networks, unsupervised learning with K-Means Clustering, Principal Component Analysis, Feature Engineering) and multidimensional statistical methods (descriptive statistics, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, multiple regression) to deeply analyze the comprehensive cross-analysis of Whole-genome genotyping, Cytokines, Schirmer's test, Tear breakup time, Traditional Chinese Medicine constitution, OSDI, ESSPRI, PSQI, FIRST, Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) pulse diagnosis, TCM tongue diagnosis, heart rate variability measurements, exosome-miRNA, and transcriptome from the earlier TBDESJS and ACUDES cases. This integrated, cross-disciplinary approach is expected to elucidate potential immunomodulatory pathways influenced by TBDESJS and acupuncture GB20 or BL2, thereby providing a foundational basis for their clinical application in managing DES and SJS, and advancing towards our ultimate goal of Holistic Health Care.
Expected Results:
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
Dry eye syndrome
Sjögren's syndrome
non AIDDES Healthy Controls
220 participants in 6 patient groups
Central trial contact
Ching-Mao Chang, M.D., Ph.D.
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites