Status and phase
Phase I Part :
Confirm the safety of GAIA-102 as a monotherapy or GAIA-102 and pembrolizumab in combination for advanced gastrointestinal cancer of microsatellite stable with malignant ascites, and determine the recommended number of doses for Phase II part.
Phase II Part :
Research the efficacy and safety of as a monotherapy or GAIA-102 and pembrolizumab for advanced gastrointestinal cancer of microsatellite stable with malignant ascites at the recommended dose of GAIA-102 decided in the Phase I part.
Inclusion criteria
Unresectable, advanced and relapsed gastric cancer with malignant ascites or unresectable, advanced and relapsed pancreatic cancer with malignant ascites
Refractory/intolerant to more than 3 regimens of therapy for gastric cancer (more than 2 regimens acceptable for Phase II) or more than 2 regimens of therapy for pancreatic cancer (more than 1 regimen acceptable for Phase II)
Abdominal port placement is possible
No medical history of serious side effects or allergic reactions to pembrolizumab (only for patients in the pembrolizumab combination cohort)
Diagnosed gastric adenocarcinoma or pancreatic cancerwith by histological or cytological examination
The patient has been confirmed to be "negative (not MSS = MSI-high)" by microsatellite instability (MSI) testing, or "proficient mismatch repair (pMMR)" by mismatch repair protein immunohistochemistry testing
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) Performance status(PS) 0-2
Patient aged 20years or older
Adequate major organs (bone marrow, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, etc.) function:
Expected to survive for 3 months or more at the enrollment
Written informed consent
Exclusion criteria
Untreated cranial metastases.
Diagnosed with meningeal carcinomatosis
Received allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
Participated in other clinical trials / clinical trials within 30 days prior to obtaining written consent and used or had used the investigational product or investigational equipment.
Existence or suspected active autoimmune disease
Continued systemic immunosuppressive therapy with corticosteroids in excess of 10 mg / day in terms of prednisolone or other immunosuppressants within 14 days prior to investigational product administration
Symptomatic interstitial pneumonia, or even if it is not symptomatic, it may interfere with diagnostic imaging in detecting new pneumonitis caused by the investigational product used in the clinical trial.
Have active double cancer and need treatment for the double cancer
Requires treatment as shown in "Unacceptable Combination / Supportive Therapy" during the clinical trial period
Have a medical history of severe hypersensitivity to immune checkpoint inhibitors or immune-related adverse events requiring treatment
Have one of the following complications
At the time of the enrollment, the period from the following prior treatment or the end of treatment has not passed.
Scheduled thoracotomy or abdominal surgery during the clinical trial period
It is judged that it is difficult to enroll in this study due to clinically significant mental illness.
Pregnant women, lactating women, women who are currently pregnant, or have no intention of contraception for 4 months after consent is obtained.
Allergic to antibiotics and foreign animal-derived ingredients (pig and mouse)
Difficult to participate in the trial by the investigator
Primary purpose
Interventional model
96 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Eiji Oki
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites