Status and phase
Study type
Funder types
This is a phase II therapeutic study of related donor HLA-haploidentical NK-cell based therapy after a high dose of fludarabine/cyclophosphamide with denileukin diftitox preparative regimen for the treatment of poor prognosis acute myelogenous leukemia (AML).
Full description
Patients achieving a complete remission and neutrophil recovery (ANC > 500) for at least 4 weeks will be considered for allogeneic transplant to prolong remission (independent of this study).
All patients, including those who go on to transplant, will be followed to determine disease free survival, treatment related mortality, and time to relapse.
Inclusion criteria
≥ 2 years of age
Meets one of the following disease criteria:
Primary acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) induction failure: no complete remission (CR) after 2 or more induction attempts
Relapsed acute myelogenous leukemia (AML): not in CR after 1 or more cycles of standard re-induction therapy. For patients > 60 years of age the 1 cycle of standard chemotherapy is not required if either of the following criteria is met:
Secondary AML from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
AML relapsed > 2 months after transplant who do not have the option of donor lymphocyte infusions (e.g. recipients of autologous or umbilical cord blood [UCB] transplants) Patients with prior central nervous system (CNS) involvement are eligible provided that it has been treated and CSF is clear for at least 2 weeks or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) stable prior to enrollment. CNS therapy (chemotherapy or radiation) should continue as medically indicated during the study treatment.
Available related HLA-haploidentical donor (3-5 of 6 HLA-A, B and C)
Karnofsky Performance Status > 50% or Lansky Play score > 50
Adequate organ function defined as:
Able to be off prednisone or other immunosuppressive medications for at least 3 days prior to natural killer (NK) cell infusion (excluding denileukin diftitox pre-meds)
Women of child bearing potential must have a negative pregnancy test within 14 days prior to study registration and agree to use adequate birth control during study treatment.
Voluntary written consent
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
15 participants in 1 patient group
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites