Numerous studies show that regular physical activity / exercise significantly improves exercise tolerance as well as clinical outcomes in cardiovascular disease (CVD). Exercise as a reliable adjunctive intervention, however, remains limited due to poor short- as well as long-term adherence. The study examines the effectiveness of the peer-led Heart Exercise And Resistance Training - Peer Lead ActivitY (HEART-PLAY) intervention to significantly sustain exercise adherence among CR patients, as compared a standard CR intervention. In a rigorous cluster randomized controlled trial at the UCSD Step Family Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Wellness Center, the study assesses the HEART-PLAY intervention program in 264 socioeconomically and ethnically diverse women and men 18+ years old who have been referred to standard CR. Participants in the HEART-PLAY and in the STANDARD CR programs will both participate in 36 sessions of CR across approximately 12 weeks, as prescribed by their physician. Participants in HEART-PLAY will additionally receive peer and staff leadership, self-monitoring tools and feedback, group education and materials, and motivational, goal-setting, and relapse prevention counseling sessions. The study will demonstrate that the peer-led HEART-PLAY program based in the clinic setting will significantly enhance the primary study endpoint of adherence to 150 min/week of moderate physical activity/week.
Full description
This study examines the effectiveness of the Heart Exercise And Resistance Training - Peer Lead ActivitY (HEART-PLAY) intervention to significantly sustain exercise adherence in patients referred for Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR). CR Clinic staff and CR patients who meet study inclusion criteria and are willing to serve as peer leaders, will be taught to lead the intervention activities with trained health educators and research staff. The HEART-PLAY program and behavior change will be sustainable because of the presence of peer and staff leadership and because it employs proven strategies from social cognitive theory and ecological models including self-monitoring, feedback, social support, role modeling, and relapse prevention. HEART-PLAY teaches patients how to accumulate meaningful PA across the day and provides a supportive social infrastructure to maintain motivation. Since the aim is to test an augmented CR program that can be widely adopted, the project employs a design that allows for the concurrent testing of both intervention and implementation strategies and outcomes. Across the five days of the week and the AM and PM clinic sessions, there will be approximately 25 different peer-led groups (clusters) run to obtain complete data on a total of 264 women and men 18+ years old of varied socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds referred for CR. HEART-PLAY and STANDARD participants will be scheduled to visit the Step Clinic on distinctly different days/times to avoid contamination. Participants in the STANDARD condition will receive the standard of care cardiac rehabilitation, consisting of 36 sessions across 12 weeks of prescribed, supervised exercise sessions, Participants in the HEART-PLAY will receive standard CR and additionally receive pedometers, resistance bands, and the National Institute of Aging (NIA) exercise guide. Patients will further receive counseling from peer health coaches, social support from group education sessions, and supplemental educational materials. After the 12 weeks of prescribed, supervised exercise sessions, HEART-PLAY group participants will continue to receive support from peers and clinic staff with check-in calls, feedback on pedometer goals, and bi-weekly group events including walks and/or resistance band group exercise classes. Pilot data support that the peer-led approach in the clinic setting will be enthusiastically received by patients and significantly increase PA and adherence.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
295 participants in 2 patient groups
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites