

High in Front-of-package Label Pretest

University of California (UC) Davis logo

University of California (UC) Davis




Understanding of Food Nutrient Content


Behavioral: Front-of-package label

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


The goal of this trial is to understand which of five "High In" front-of-package label designs is most effective at helping consumers identify the healthiest products (i.e., products that are high in the fewest number of nutrients of concern: added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat).

Full description

The objective of this aim is to assess which of five "High In" front-of-package label (FOPL) designs is most effective at helping consumers identify the healthiest products (i.e., products that are high in the fewest number of nutrients of concern: added sugar, sodium, and saturated fat). The investigators will use a between-subjects randomized experiment to assess the primary outcome. Participants will be randomized to one of five label conditions modeled after the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's draft "High In" FOPL designs: 1) No Icon; 2) Magnifying Glass; 3) Exclamation Mark; 4) Exclamation Mark with multiple labels; 5) Exclamation Mark with Black Background.

The primary outcome is correct identification of the healthiest product, defined as the product that is high in the fewest nutrients of concern, including added sugars, sodium, and saturated fat (percent correct for each condition). Secondary outcomes include correct identification of which product is least healthy; which product(s) are high in added sugars, saturated fat, and sodium (3 separate questions); and perceived message effectiveness (PME) of the different labels.

Logit models will be used to compare proportions in each condition that correctly identified the items (each condition compared to every other condition). For continuous outcomes (e.g., knowledge, PME scale), the investigators will use linear regression models regressing the outcome on an indicator for experimental condition. A critical alpha 0.05 will be used, and statistical tests will be two-tailed. The Bonferroni Holm correction will be used for analyses comparing conditions 2-5 to each other for each outcome (6 comparisons).

The investigators will also measure nutrition literacy, and assess moderation on the primary outcome by nutrition literacy (continuous) and highest education attainment (Bachelor's Degree or higher vs. less than Bachelor's Degree).


4,052 patients




18 to 99 years old


Accepts Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • Equal or greater than 18 years of age
  • Less than 100 years of age
  • English-speaking
  • U.S. residents
  • Participants will reflect the U.S. Census Bureau's 2021 American Community Survey 5-year estimates for gender, race/ethnicity, educational attainment, and age

Exclusion criteria

  • Failing the attention check question
  • Completing the survey in less than 33% of the median completion time

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Single Blind

4,052 participants in 5 patient groups

No icon
Experimental group
Participants will be shown 3 frozen meals at once; each product will be high in 1, 2, or 3 nutrients of concern (added sugar, sodium, and/or saturated fat) and will be labeled as such with a rectangular "high in" front-of-package label. The label will solely contain "high in" and nutrient text with no icon.
Behavioral: Front-of-package label
Magnifying glass
Experimental group
Participants will be shown 3 frozen meals at once; each product will be high in 1, 2, or 3 nutrients of concern (added sugar, sodium, and/or saturated fat) and will be labeled as such with a rectangular "high in" front-of-package label. The label will contain "high in" and nutrient text, along with a magnifying glass icon.
Behavioral: Front-of-package label
Exclamation Mark
Experimental group
Participants will be shown 3 frozen meals at once; each product will be high in 1, 2, or 3 nutrients of concern (added sugar, sodium, and/or saturated fat) and will be labeled as such with a rectangular "high in" front-of-package label. The label will contain "high in" and nutrient text, along with an exclamation mark icon.
Behavioral: Front-of-package label
Exclamation Mark with multiple labels
Experimental group
Participants will be shown 3 frozen meals at once; each product will be high in 1, 2, or 3 nutrients of concern (added sugar, sodium, and/or saturated fat) and will be labeled as such with 1, 2, or 3 rectangular "high in" front-of-package labels, one for each specific nutrient of concern. Each label will contain "high in" and nutrient text, along with an exclamation mark icon.
Behavioral: Front-of-package label
Exclamation Mark with Black Background
Experimental group
Participants will be shown 3 frozen meals at once; each product will be high in 1, 2, or 3 nutrients of concern (added sugar, sodium, and/or saturated fat) and will be labeled as such with a rectangular "high in" front-of-package label. The label will contain "high in" and nutrient text, along with an exclamation mark icon. The background of the "high in" text will be black, and the "high in" text will be white.
Behavioral: Front-of-package label

Trial contacts and locations



Central trial contact

Aviva A Musicus, ScD

Data sourced from

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