Study type
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The goal of this study is to establish a novel community-based breast cancer program to address delayed presentation and lack of access to diagnostic and treatment facilities in South-West Nigeria. It is aimed at evaluating the impact of a novel breast cancer early detection program using triple mobile assessment (innovative handheld iBreast Exam [iBE] device, mobile ultrasound, and mobile mammography) and patient navigation program in a Nigerian community.
Full description
This study aims to provide screening to asymptomatic women 40-70 years and to provide diagnostic evaluation to women 30-70 years presenting with breast symptoms in a community in South-West Nigeria.
The project will use a cluster randomized design with 1 community serving as the intervention arm and another community serving as the control arm. Both communities will receive breast cancer awareness and education but only the intervention community will receive screening, mobile imaging and navigation. Screening with targeted clinical history, Clinical Breast Exam (CBE), and iBE will be performed by trained Community Health Nurses in the intervention community. Women with positive CBE or iBE findings will undergo breast imaging with mobile mammography and portable ultrasound, as well as biopsy when indicated by the Radiologist who visits the community once a month, and receive navigation by the nurses to the point of care. The control population will receive breast cancer awareness without an organized screening, imaging or navigation program. Women presenting to the Primary Health Care Centers in the control community will be referred to the Teaching Hospital as per current standard of care. Record of all breast cancer cases seen in the 2 communities during the study period will be obtained.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria
Primary purpose
Interventional model
4,100 participants in 2 patient groups
Central trial contact
Adeleye D Omisore, MBBS, M.Sc, FWACS, FMCR
Data sourced from
Clinical trials
Research sites