

Interdisciplinary Medication Review Interventions in an Integrated Outpatient Department. (FMA-CPH)


Region Hovedstadens Apotek




Language Problems
Cognitive Impairment
Drug Prescribing


Other: Interdisciplinary Deprescribing and Medication Optimization Intervention

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


Inappropriate medication prescribing is highly prevalent among comorbid medical patients and leading to adverse drug events (ADE), re-admissions, quality of life and mortality. Thus, the aim of this study is primary to investigate the feasibility of a interdisciplinary intervention focused on deprescribing and medication optimization in the Integrated Outpatient Department at Copenhagen University Hospital, Amager, Denmark.

Participants in the intervention group receives a medication review by a clinical pharmacist and physician with a follow up after 7 and 30 days. The control group receives standard care.

Full description

The FMA-CPH trial is designed as a single-blinded randomized controlled pilot trial starting at the first consultation and end 30 days after.

Patients that meet all inclusion criteria and none of the exclusion criteria are invited to participate. After signing a written informed consent, the participants are block randomized to either the intervention or control group.

Medication prescription for comorbid patients is challenging and may be attributed to marked inter-individual variations in general health, organ function, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties, biological age and physical performance. The intervention group receive a medication review.

It is hypothesized that the intervention is feasible and more patients in the intervention group will complete ≥1 deprescribing and/or ≥1 medication optimization 30 days after the beginning of the intervention than the patients in the control group.

Secondary it is hypothesized the patients in the intervention group:

A. Complete more deprescribing compared to the control group (30 days after intervention) B. Complete more medication optimization compared to the control group (30 days after intervention) C. Have a higher knowledge about own medication (14 days after intervention) D. Have a higher level of satisfaction with medication information (14 days after intervention)


72 patients




18+ years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • Consultation at Integrated Outpatient Department subacute track
  • Multi morbidity/Comorbidity
  • Drug Prescribing
  • Mentally fresh
  • Understand and speak Danish

Exclusion criteria

  • Unable to cooperate cognitively
  • Language problems
  • Admission

Trial design

Primary purpose

Health Services Research



Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Single Blind

72 participants in 2 patient groups

Interdiciplinary medication review intervention
Active Comparator group
The clinical pharmacist perform medication review and presents medication interventions orally and written to the physician. The physician perform the changes and inform the patient about the changes. 7 days after intervention the patient receives a follow up phone call from the pharmacist about the medication interventions. If the pharmacist during the follow up phone call identify any complications due to compliance/add on/deprescribing the pharmacist uses motivational conversation to come to a solution.14 days after the beginning of the intervention the patients knowledge about their medication and satisfaction with medication information is investigated by a phone questionnaire and measured on a Likert scale (1-5). 30 days after the beginning of the intervention the pharmacist collect an updated medication history. Finally we investigate the number of patients who have completed at least one deprescribing and/or medication optimization in each group.
Other: Interdisciplinary Deprescribing and Medication Optimization Intervention
Control group
No Intervention group
Standard treatment without a medication review and follow up related to medication changes (standard treatment).14 days after the enrollment the patients knowledge about their medication and satisfaction with medication information is investigated by a phone questionnaire measured on a Likert scale (1-5). 30 days after the enrollment the pharmacist collect an updated medication history.Finally we investigate the number of patients who have completed at least one deprescribing and/or medication optimization in each group

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