

Internet Surveys and Their Impact on Adherence for Rosacea

Wake Forest University (WFU) logo

Wake Forest University (WFU)

Status and phase

Phase 4




Drug: brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & SOC
Drug: brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & survey

Study type


Funder types




Details and patient eligibility


An investigator-blinded, prospective, 6 month study of subjects with persistent erythema associated with active rosacea will be conducted in 20 subjects aged 18 years and older. All subjects will receive standard-of-care brimonidine topical gel, 0.33% with instructions to apply it once daily per package insert. Adherence will be assessed using weekly internet surveys to document how often the medication is being used, as well as reminders about rosacea triggers and general use of brimonidine.

Full description

An investigator-blinded, prospective, 6 month study of subjects with persistent erythema associated with active rosacea will be conducted in 20 subjects aged 18 years and older. All subjects will receive standard-of-care brimonidine topical gel, 0.33% with instructions to apply it once daily per package insert. Adherence will be assessed using weekly internet surveys to document how often the medication is being used, as well as reminders about rosacea triggers and general use of brimonidine.Subjects will be randomized 1:1 to be in the weekly internet survey group or the standard care non-survey group.

At each visit, review of the internet survey use will be done to assess adherence to the medication. . Disease severity measures ((Clinician's Erythema Assessment (CEA), and Lesion counts will be obtained. QOL will be measured.


20 patients




18+ years old


No Healthy Volunteers

Inclusion criteria

  • Male or female subject with persistent erythema associated with rosacea, age greater than 18, who agrees to participate and provide written consent.
  • Have an Investigator Global Assessment of mild to moderate rosacea (IGA rating between 2 and 5 in the Investigator Global Assessment score which includes erythema in the assessment).
  • Access to a computer and the internet.

Exclusion criteria

  • Initiation or change in dose within 4 weeks of baseline of systemic anti-inflammatory medication which may influence study outcome.
  • Use of topical therapy for rosacea within 2 weeks of baseline.
  • Use of systemic corticosteroids within 4 weeks of baseline. Presence of a concurrent medical condition or skin condition, which is determined by the investigator to potentially interfere with study outcomes or patient assessments.
  • Subjects with known allergy or sensitivity to bromonidine topical gel, 0.33% or components therein.
  • Female subjects who are not postmenopausal for at least 1 year, surgically sterile, or willing to practice effective contraception during the study. Nursing mothers, pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant while on study are to be excluded.
  • Subjects with severe cardiovascular disease or vascular insufficiency.

Trial design

Primary purpose




Interventional model

Parallel Assignment


Single Blind

20 participants in 2 patient groups

brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & survey
Experimental group
The internet survey will ask them how often they have used their medication that week, as well as giving them treatment tips and reminders about rosacea triggers. They will be asked a variety of questions during the weekly internet survey- such as the amount of erythema they currently have (measured by VAS scale), how much burning and stinging they have, how often they have used the medication and where did they apply the medication, as well as any additional side effects they may be having from the medication.
Drug: brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & survey
Drug: brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & SOC
brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & SOC
Active Comparator group
Topical drug and standard of care follow-up, no weekly survey; only survey during 3 month and 6 month visits
Drug: brimonidine topical gel 0.33% & SOC

Trial documents

Trial contacts and locations



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